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In the morning, Lando woke up to a combination of retching and an alarm going off. Groaning, Lando swung his arm over and turned off the alarm. The first thing that he noticed was how stiff his neck felt, followed by noticing the banging headache that he had. He was confused as to how he got into that state and who was making the retching sounds in the bathroom. It was his hotel room right?

Lando panicked thinking that he had managed to end up in a stranger's room. That was not going to be a good look. After a quick glance around the room, Lando was satisfied that he was in his own room. Thankfully. As he woke up a bit more, memories of the night before came flooding back to him. So he was ninety-nine percent certain that it was Oscar currently in the bathroom.

Lando's thoughts were proved correct when a very hungover Oscar dragged himself out of the bathroom. He looked like a kicked puppy. A look on his face said that he felt very sorry for himself.

“Paracetamol?” Oscar asked, then clutched his head, realising that he had spoken far too loudly for what his head could accommodate.

Lando just pointed in the vague direction of where his bag was from where his head was under his pillow. All he could hear was Oscar shuffling around and then he felt a tap on his shoulder. Slowly, Lando lifted the pillow up, and from where his face was mushed into the bed, he saw a glass of water and some paracetamol staring back at him. Gratefully, Lando took the water and paracetamol, hoping it would kick in instantly. After a few minutes, Lando felt more human and the headache had subsided.

Apparently, Oscar had fallen back to sleep, stretched out on the floor next to the side of the bed. This fact Lando unfortunately found out when he nearly stepped on Oscar when he tried getting out of bed. Knowing that they would be expected down imminently, Lando poked Oscar with his foot. It didn't do very much. The Aussie just groaned and turned over. So Lando poked Oscar with his foot again. And again. And again, until Oscar decided to sleepily open his eyes and look up at Lando.

“Come on Oscar, we need to get up, shower and get changed. We stink.”

After falling asleep in the clothes that they had worn the day before, they did smell of alcohol a bit. Grumbling, Oscar got up and put on some joggers that he got from Lando's suitcase. There wasn't much complaint from the Brit that Oscar had stolen his joggers, Lando wasn't too bothered. Oscar left to have a shower in his own room whilst Lando had a shower in his room. He was all sticky from where he had spilled alcohol on himself, so the warm water of the shower was welcome. Lando quickly finished off in the shower knowing that time was ticking down until he and Oscar were expected down at breakfast with the team. He was still aware of the throbbing sensation in the back of his head, media day would not be fun.

On the way down to breakfast, Lando went and collected Oscar from his room. Together they appeared in the dining room where the rest of the team were awaiting them. Not making eye contact with anyone, Lando went and sat down at one of the empty tables, with Oscar taking a seat next to him. The lights in the dining room were really bright and Oscar buried his head in his arms with a groan. As Lando was contemplating getting up to get some breakfast, two plates were clattered down onto the table. It was Jon and Oscar gave a whine as his head started to throb even more. Looking up, Lando met Jon's eyes and he didn't look particularly pleased.

“You two had better sort yourselves out before media or else you will be in a world of trouble,” Jon hissed and Lando knew that it wasn't a threat, more of a promise. “Now eat this and Kim will be bringing some more paracetamol over for you.”

Lando watched Jon's retreating back whilst Oscar eyed his breakfast with thinly veiled disgust, having lifted his head back up off the table. He grumbled about something under his breath before nibbling on the edge of a piece of toast.

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