The Fall

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Y/n's P.O.V
Years passed, and my time in Heaven couldn't be any better.

Every day was like a party. It's a life of paradise, much better than my life on Earth from when I was alive.

I also discovered that since I died at 16, I still look 16.

It seemed that I stopped aging when I died, so I forever look 16.

I also made a new friend in my time here. Her name is Emily, and she's one of the Seraphim angels, I absolutely love her. Me and her hang out all the time whenever we can.

We first met when I decided to visit the zoo here. The zoo had every kind of fluffy animal you could think of. There were dogs and cats as well.

I was playing with some of the animals, and Emily came over too tall to me, and we just hit it off and instantly became besties.

We would make Vaggie hang out with us when she wasn't so busy. You would think she would get mad, but she didn't. She doesn't mind hanging out with us.

Then, a few years ago, Vaggie just disappeared. I didn't know where, and even if I asked Adam or Lute, they wouldn't tell me if they did or didn't know where Vaggie's at.

Emily helped me feel less sad about my missing friend.

We even went to the karaoke club together to sing our hearts out.

Speaking of singing, I go there practically almost every day to sing, and since then, a lot of angels show up just to hear me sing.

They started calling me Static Angel cause every time I would sing, my voice would have a static noise to it, and they loved it.

I did meet another angel here, and she said her name was Molly. She was pink and white with hot pink eyes and fluffy hair, a white halo (I think) above her head, some of the cutestest white angel wings I've ever seen (since they're so small), and multiple legs, which I think look cool.

We don't talk a lot, but here and there, we like to go down to the ice cream parlor, get some ice cream, and just hang out. Molly's an absolute sweetheart.

During our talks, she mentioned that when she was alive, she had a twin brother named Anthony and didn't know what happened to him.

My guess is he is in Hell with all the sinners since Molly mentioned he did drugs and all sorts of other stuff.

Molly said she missed him multiple times when we talked.

I shutter just thinking about Hell. I hear from all the other angels that's it's an awful place full of murderers and all sorts of other sinners.

Macy, one of the first angels I met when I got here is a total bitch.

When I first saw her, all I did was compliment her singing, and she started being bitchy to me.

So, when I started singing at the Karaoke Club, she got jealous that the other angels seemed to love me more.

What made her even more pissed off is when they gave me the name Static Angel. They never gave her a stage name like they did with me.

I feel bad because I just showed up in Heaven one day, started singing, and almost everyone loved my singing.

Maybe the next time I sing, I could do a song for two people, and let Macy sing it with me.

One more thing I want to add, when I first arrived, the microphone I held turned into a microphone staff, it was a red color.

I carry it around with me everywhere.

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