Meeting her only childhood friend after along time

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Suddenly, a gentle tap on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts...

"Hey, would you mind talking to me?" a voice inquired.

"Of course, hey," she responded warmly, turning to face the speaker.

"Oh my God!! KEN!!!

They hugged each other tightly.

"Ken, it's been a long".

"Yeah, it's been like 10 years since we last met. Where have you been studying ?"

"I was in St Ignatius. Ken. you have changed a lot. I didn't recognize you at all."

Ken chuckled, "Yeah, time flies, huh? You look amazing, by the way."

She smiled, feeling a rush of nostalgia.

"Thanks, Ken. It's great to see you again. Were you still in Australia ? I thought you were in Tokyo for all these 10 years,"

she asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yes, I'm  still in Tokyo,"

Ken replied with a chuckle,

"I just came to Australia 2 weeks ago to visit my grandparents,"

"Oh, that's lovely,"

she replied, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"How are they doing? And how's your time been here so far?"

she asked, genuine curiosity in her tone, eager to catch up after so many years.

"They are doing good. "You know, the previous year I got into Tokyo University,"

Ken revealed, a hint of pride in his voice.

"No way!"

she gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"I'm also heading to University of Tokyo?"

she exclaimed, her surprise evident in her voice.

"What are the chances of that?"

she chuckled, feeling a mix of astonishment and excitement .

"Looks like I'll have a senior to show me the ropes!"

she added with a grin, already envisioning the guidance and shared experiences ahead..

"Angel, what major are you taking at university?" he asked with a grin.

She laughed, feeling a wave of nostalgia.

"Hey, you're still the same... after we parted ways, no one ever called me Angel. It's good to hear,"

she remarked, a hint of fondness in her tone.

He smiled warmly, appreciating the familiar banter.

She continued,

"Uhmm, me? I'm in bachelor of cs. But I have to look for something along with that after I reach there,"

she revealed with a eager to share her academic pursuit.

"No way, that's impossible."

"Computer science ? "

"That's what I'm in! I'm taking bachelor in computer science and robotics."

he exclaimed, his tone filled with enthusiasm.

"This is crazyy! I didn't expect to meet someone with the same major, especially considering I'm a senior,"

he added with a laugh.

"Now I have nothing to worry about, got a mate who will help me in everything, right?"

she remarked, her voice filled with relief and excitement, looking to him for reassurance.

"Yeah , yeah."

"So, how's uni going for you? Anyone special in your life lately?"

she asked, her tone relaxed and friendly, curious about his experiences.

"Yeah, you know, I've got a pretty amazing girlfriend,"

he shared, a hint of affection coloring his words.

"Oh, Ken, you've totally grown up,"

she remarked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

"What's amazing is, she is in your year. You'll be having classes together,"

he added with a grin, excitement evident in his tone.

"Oh, that's amazing! You better introduce her to me, okay?"

she replied with a playful smirk, already looking forward to meeting Ken's girlfriend.

As they talked, the airport announced the boarding call for their respective flights, reminding them of the imminent departure.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now boarding Flight CA123 from Melbourne to Tokyo ,Gate 5. All passengers please proceed to the boarding area.Thank you."

They checked their tickets, grabbed their belongings, and walked through the terminal towards the gate. Following the signs, they found their way to the waiting aircraft. With a final glance around, they stepped onto the jet bridge, ready to board their flight to Tokyo. They found their seats on the plane, and they seated. The flight took off smoothly, carrying them towards Japan.

22 Hours later,
they landed at Tokyo Airport, feeling the excitement of arriving at their destination. After disembarking, they proceeded to the baggage claim area to retrieve their luggage.

They headed towards the Tokyo University after grabbing breakfast. However, Ken needed to see his girlfriend first. He asked Eve to accompany him, but she declined, citing tiredness. He got out of the taxi midway to meet his girlfriend while she proceeded to the university. With a quick farewell, they parted ways..

Upon arriving at Tokyo University's main campus, Eve took in the bustling atmosphere with a happy sigh. The campus was alive with people playing, studying, and enjoying various activities. Eager to immerse herself in the vibrant environment, she made her way to the office and collected her identity card and papers. Being well-off, her room was spacious and equipped with all facilities, creating a comfortable and inviting ambiance.

After arriving in her room, Eve took a quick bath and got ready for bed. Exhausted from the long journey, she fell asleep swiftly, finding comfort in her bed.

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