Chapter 2: Just Once...

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Sunny stared at the leaflet after collecting up her.... baby brother that morning. The nursery did night care for single parents or carers if they needed that extra help. However, this was the only place in Gotham that did this and it ... was expensive to say at least. Sunny always grudged when paying up on how she could've used it in various ways. Food, some books , even a new pair of shoes? However, the leaflet given to her about the next steps in the nursery's plan made her almost collapse.

Sunny couldn't care less about the new rooms and toys and staff. Her eyes only stared at the price jump and she looked between it and her little brother. A small one and a half year old in her arms as he also tried to grab the leaflet. Sunny had to put him down on the high chair before she began walking around the room with nerves. Trembling at the thought of what the future held.

Thankfully, though she hated feeling like she was wasting money, had a day off. Maybe she could think of a plan of some sorts. She took out her book with various notes and scribbles and receipts from the past. Surely she could figure out what could be cut back? But even after an hour of scribbles and highlights it meant she would need to give up many essentials. That's something she always put her foot down at. If it cost too much that she needed to sacrifice the things to survive, she wouldn't get it. But the thing was, the nursery was an essential. She gave up so much to have it in the first place. Scrunching the paper she turned the old school tv in annoyance. Thankfully the old box was just left outside her flat one day.

"New leads on the robbery -"

"Two necklaces were stolen last night -"

"If anyone has seen these thugs then please report"

"God, Gotham can't have a rest" Sunny joked looking over at the baby. He was too busy playing with his toy giraffe to notice the older girl. Sunny rolled her eyes but kept on watching the news bringing up about how Gotham thugs kept on stealing.

Kept on stealing and selling the stuff for money.

Lots of money.

Sunny stared at the city then walked over to her window. She stared down at the dark waste land and sighed. But an intriguing thought came into her mind........ There was so many people stealing and getting anyway with it.

Why not add one more?

"But what if I'm caught" she said out loud. Stopping herself as if someone could listen in. However, all the people on the news haven't been caught. And if Gotham has a big enough problem for it then it mustn't be that bad. "I guess Batman won't care over a petty thief" she tried to convince herself about the idea. Her feet nearly creating dents on the floor boards while she walked around pondering.

"Just once" she muttered. Sunny then headed to the cupboard filled with lots of random things. As she dug through it she found an old bikers helmet. Ever since she was younger she wanted her own bike, she even got this old hat to remind her about saving up for one. But things change...Blowing off the dust, she then began looking out other materials she could use.

What was she doing? This was out of no where and yet, she felt like it was a puzzle piece that had been missing. The piece to get out of this dump. However, though she had some essentials here and there to rob something. Sunny had no skill or knowledge about this type of crime. Of course she lived in Gotham, but with that in mind, she could still meet one of the hero's that stalked the city at night. Even if she could just learn to punch a little it could work?

But looking at the leaflet she noted the time limit she had. Six months before the she needed to dig deeper in her pockets for cash. As well as this wild plan in her head she hoped maybe she could find another job?.... But looking up in her mirror she teared a little. Who would want her? She wasn't even presentable to go on a date let alone get hired. Sunny can't even remember the last time she even had the self esteem to go out and do something. Always making the excuse to stay close to her brother.

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