Chapter 4: Mission One

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Sunny slammed the door of the locker. It hadn't even been a full month and she was already fed up. Not only would she return home filled with bruises, but she had to look after her crying brother just as she wanted to crash down for the night. Thankfully, even though he never asked why, Nightwing took her scheduling seriously as she was given days off to work. However, the combination of all these elements made her think the life before was better. Even if she did save a few more coins here and there.

Sunny remebered the warmth of the first long shower and the comfort of her bed that she napped once in after all training sessions. Her mouth watered the first time she saw the filled fridge and the treats that poked out. Though it would've satifsied her to take the whole lot, she was modest enough to just take a handful of fruit and sandwhiches for her lunch. Though the fridge was in the Young Justice common room.... A room she liked to avoid.

Though the oppotunity was calling towards her, and in theory she might've liked the idea, Sunny made a clear stance of not engaging with the other heros. She wasn't there to be their friends, it was her way out of jail. Furthermore, she was a little envious of them .... For reasons far too personal. And though she had been greeted warmly, Sunny didn't exactly fully understand the social cues of continuing a conversation to lead to a potential friendship.

"Didn't see you at lunch"

Sunny side glanced Artemis. The blonde hair girl who worked under Green Arrow and along with Arsenal in the past was on the bench next to her. Sunny had to give her credit, she overheard Artemis shout at the boy for putting the sprinklers on to annoy Sunny. Packing her bag  she replied slightly "I was just in training"

"Gotta break some time" Artemis continued next to her but Sunny's mind just drifted away. She had the night off, but her brother needed collected, if she quickly went to the common room too - no - not another conversation in there, but even if she -

"Do you usually go home after? " Artemis packed her bag as well. Her green mask still on as they both weren't comfortable yet of showing their true faces to each other. Sunny gritted as her thoughts were inturrpted. "No, I follow Nightwing like a puppy all night" Her actions then proceeded to be more tense. In which Artemis recongised quickly from her own experiences.

"Hey, don't need to be so snappy" Artemis calmly said with a frown. There was a moment before she got up and left.  Sunny, who had now slightly turned, raised her voice a little "I'm not! .....I am not" until she grew quiet again and finished off getting ready. However, Artemis only looked behind with an awknowledgment before leaving Sunny to her ownself. The ginger girl sighed brushed her hand against her temple "Why can't you speak normally"


"Losing your touch, Artemis"

"Losing your sense of style, Arsenal"

Nightwing had instructed Sunny to attend a combat class a couple weeks later. Though Sunny felt the pyhsical changes in every day life, it was important to use them in practise. Especially, if she needed to do a mission. The room had a lot of matts and boxing gear around it, however, the main focal point was the boxing ring in the centre. It was a more casual set up and therefore Sunny was a little taken aback seeing everyone wear her usual gear, a plain top and comfy shorts for instance. Her eyes widened more seeing the fight infront of her, in which Artemis had Arsenal pinned before he managed to push her off.

"No way you expect me to beat them" Sunny whispered to Nightwing. He only shurgged "I thought you wanted more challenges "

"Yeah, not to embarras myself" she gritted back before the alarm went off to call of the fight. The two sidekicks of Green Arrow shook hands before going off and allowing the next lot go forward. The decisions of who would be fighting was organised by a computer screen above the boxing ring. Showcasing the two faces that would go against each other.

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