Chapter 3: I'm Not Joining Your Club

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WRITER NOTE: Hey, sorry if chapter 1-5 is slight rushed. There is a lot to get through and in my other draft it took till chapter 8 for Jason to show up and I don't want people to wait that long.

Sunny breathed in heavily as she finally woke up. Her eyes adjusted to the room to finally see what the enviorment was like. A small plain room, with a mirror to the side, and a table were she just lifted her head from. Rubbing her head she guessed it was an intergation space and people would be able to judge her through the "mirror" like feature. Her eyes then adjusted to Nightwing who was crossed arms on the seat across the table. Standing up staring, she felt her mask still in place but yet it was it she had still been exposed. Sunny secretly turned her speaker off that would allow her to hear her brother. Though , wherever she was, might probably be a little far away to reach him....

"Calm down" Nightwing put his hand up "I just want to chat"

"Where am I" Sunny's eyes widened. Still refusing to sit down "I promise I didn't want to. I can't go to jail, I-"

"You're not in jail" Nightwing looked towards the seat and Sunny finally listened and sat down. His face had a soft expression "I don't know if you rememeber, but you fainted" Sunny stared at the bandage on her hand. Some blood stains spotted that made her feel ill once more. Nightwing continued "But that's not the only reason I wanted to talk and bring you here" He leaned back now holding a smirk as if to communicate that he isn't a threat. Nightwing asked "Where did you learn to run like that?"

"Excuse me?"

"Not maybe people can run like that" he complimented Sunny abilities. Confused Sunny stilled answered while shrugging "I use to ran a lot in school. Huh, I use to run every day. I just kinda don't focus on anything as I'm doing it"

She could be trained up. Nightwing thought to himself. "Are you a street kid?"

"Kid?" Sunny crossed her arms with a frown "I'm nineteen turning twenty.....And no. I'm not on the streets....." Nightwing chuckled before asking "So - not a kid - why did you steal if you're not on the street" Sunny bit her lip thinking of an excuse but also feeling her cheeks grow red as the thought of bringing up her situation was something she hadn't planned for. Nightwing read the room quickly and stated "Hey, you don't have to-"

"It's fine" Sunny said bluntly "Rent in Gotham isn't the best right now.....even in the poorest areas" She scratched her arm as Nightwing asked more about her. He began getting a folder out to write down her information. Her age, where she lived, her old school.

"Any siblings" He asked

"No" Sunny shifted in her seat. It was now her turn to ask the questions "Nightwing, if you're not going to arrest me here, what am I here for? ....And where exactly am I?" Looking up from his writing, and pausing for a moments thought, he stated the facts to Sunny.

"You're at the Young Justice headquarters" Nightwing began speaking as he took a seat across the table "You probably have seen us about. We started off as a group for the sidekicks to improve and become our own hero's. But over time we've become bigger and going through changes" Nightwing continued "I want Young Justice to help kids for not only having powers but for kids out there who need help. Who need guidance"

"I'm not a kid" Sunny gritted her teeth.

"But you stole didn't you" Nightwing spoke back. His hero status kicking in once more.  "My point is I want to help people like you. I bet you're alone, right?"

Sunny grew silent. She frowned before saying "Yes..."

"You need to steal to survive? Young Justice isn't only about having powers. I want to be able to train people like you to form a better life" Nightwing stood up and began heading to the door. Sunny began to follow and then walked through multiple corridors until they found a very plain black room with an enormous window. As they reached it they overlooked high above the training rooms. Sunny felt like every hero she's seen on the news was there. She gasped looking at them all train up.

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