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It was now late in the evening in her laboratory, and Dr. Jekyll began to document in her journal. She wrote in beautiful cursive against the yellowing paper in her journal.

'September 13th, 11:56 PM. I have started this alone, and I must finish it, alone. There is no longer a choice. I know that I must use myself as the subject of the experiment. I must put aside the fears I feel inside, there is no longer a place for me to hide. So, it shall come to this. One last final chance that only I can partake in. Everything I have fought for is at stake.'

"Like a warning light," said Dr. Jekyll, "glimmering in red, like bloodshed. See how the colors change before my eyes."

She took the mixture she had made and poured in the salts she had ordered, watching the mixture turn from a green, into a sickening purple, and into a dark red.

"See how the colors dance and they sparkle. Like diamonds. Leading me out of the darkness and into the light..."

She took a deep breath and drank down the formula. She took a shuddering breath and coughed a little.

"That is very strong," she said, setting down the vial into its designated holder. She picked up the quill from its stand and began to write again.

'11:58 PM. I have consumed ten centiliters of formula HJ-7. Salty; bitter taste. Stings the tongue. Warm in the gullet... heat spreading strongly through my veins. A slight sense of euphoria. Light-headedness. No noticeable behavioural differences.'

"I must be wise," said Dr. Jekyll, "for what could happen? I do not know. Will I see everything differently? How will it be?"

She took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Now the die is cast. Time alone can prove my theories true! Show the world—"

She held her side and her breathing started to halter. "My god," she spoke, "What's this?" She groaned and panted lightly, feeling her brow beginning to sweat. She coughed a little, feeling her blood run icy cold, and then as hot as fire.

"Something is happening, I cannot explain!" She winced and gripped the table, feeling her blood rush throughout her veins. She felt the adrenaline rush through her, leaving her in confusion. "Something inside me, a breath-taking pain! It devours and consumes me and drives me insane...AGGGHHH!" She screamed in pain as she felt the transformation happening in her body. "Suddenly uncontrolled– this thing is taking hold! Suddenly– AGONY! Filling me? Killing me?" She held her side crying in pain. She gasped as she saw her skin beginning to turn white, her hands to clawed hands; that of a demon. She gasped for air and tried to breathe, but it felt as if her bodily functions were shutting down. Her vision dilated and she felt her vision blur and clear rapidly. She winced and rested her forearm on the table. She felt the beast gradually taking grasp over her mind, and she couldn't move; she was in pure shock at the sight of herself. "What is this?! Is this... Death?!" she screamed begging in her mind for mercy and to be free from the nightmare she was experiencing. "Suddenly... Look at me!"

Her voice was slightly deeper in pitch, and she tried to stand up, looking in the mirror. She stood up successfully, trying to get a better glimpse of herself in the mirror. She was awaiting her vision to clear up. She realized she was still wearing the glasses that belonged to the doctor. She tossed them across the floor, watching them shatter, she finally looked in the mirror, observing herself.

"Who is this... creature... that I see?" She cupped her cheek and a slow evil grin spread across her face as she exhaled.

"Free!" She slowly began to laugh, and she observed her reflection. She was shorter in stature and had sharp teeth. Her hair was short and curly, and her pupils were inhuman. She looked like a close resemblance to that of the devil. She finished observing herself and looked down at the rest of her form. Her clothes had grown too big for her, so she found some in the closet that could fit her.

She dressed in a black button-up vest and wore a red tie around her neck. She wore black trousers as well, with feminine-heeled shoes with a heel that appeared sharp and could cause harm. She picked up her cane by the door and threw on a black top hat and an over-the-shoulders cloak that shadowed her form. She ran for the window, breaking the glass and leaving the mansion to explore and pursue her new freedom.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. HydeWhere stories live. Discover now