No One Must Ever Know

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Later in the evening, Jekyll began to document in her journal. She felt extreme plague and illness in her body. She felt extremely ill resulting her in leaning onto the table for support. She weakly pulled a chair close and sat down. With a shaking hand she dipped her quill in ink and began to write.

'October 7th. After midnight. The experiment is out of control. The transformations are starting to recur of their own accord. I cannot bear much more. The beast has taken a heavy toll, not only on me, who can yet be saved, but on others, who cannot. I remain convinced there is a way to counteract the effects of the formula, but I must have new chemicals for the antidote soon. Every day they say they will be delivered, but still they do not come! I dare not leave this place. I am dangerous - more dangerous than any wild animal stalking its prey!'

She angrily stood up, filled with energy from the adrenaline. She began to speak beginning a frantic ramble whilst shouting into her laboratory. "No one must ever know what I have done! For if anyone does, all my work is undone, and I must gain control of this monster inside; in the name of the people who've died!" A tear slipped down her cheek, and she hugged herself in fear of this monster inside her. "But how do I deal with a foe I can't see who whenever she wants takes possession of me? In the battle of wills that is raging inside," she screamed in fear and anger as she gripped the velvet drape on the mirror. "Will I end up as me, or as Hyde?!" She glared at herself in the mirror with an angry expression, but when she saw it was her own reflection, her anger dissipated, and she stared at the mirror with a neutral expression upon her face. She tossed the velvet drape to the floor and gently touched her soft cheek, then touching the mirror.

"Could it be? Have I really lost my way? Have I lost my mind? Will I lose the day?" Her eyes darted around the mirror looking at different sections of her form. She took a slow, shuddering breath and processed her reflection. She held herself tighter, grimacing. Her expression turned sorrowful, and she looked her reflection in the eye.

"Am I a good man?" she shook in fear, turning a fraction of a turn from the mirror. She bit the top of her thumb. She took another slow, shuddering breath.

"Am I a mad man?" She turned her back from the mirror, slowly taking steps to recede from it.

"It's such a fine line... between a good man and a—"

She turned back to face the mirror, her reflection changing to that of Elizabeth Hyde, standing there, and smiling menacingly. Jekyll fell back on her heels onto her behind, and winced at the fall. Her reflection of Elizabeth disappeared. Jekyll was left shaking in her fragile body.


She did her best to stand up, groaning as she gripped the table for support. Her legs shook as she tried to stand, and she stood at last, balancing with her hand on the surface of the table.

"Somehow I have to get back to the place where my journey started. Find the course I charted when I first began."

She felt hopeful and gripped at her hand, bending over to pick up the velvet drape. She placed it back onto the mirror, feeling secure once more.

"Somehow I have to hang onto the vision that first inspired me, to the hope that fired me when the world admired me!"

She gently placed her hand on her journal, sighing to herself and reflecting on her past successes. She had a look of determination across her face, smiling to herself.

"I'll find a way back to the higher ground! And see the view I knew before. I'll search the world until the answer's found... And then success will pound upon my door!"

She paced next to her laboratory table, smiling and regaining energy. "Somehow I've got to go on till the evil has been defeated, till my work's completed—I will not be cheated!"

She turned to the cross hanging in her laboratory. She folded her hands over her chest, crying out the Lord's name. "God! You must help me carry on!" she cried out, "When it seems all hope has gone,
I have got to carry on!"

She smiled and she coughed, coughing up blood. She bent over and fell to the ground, coughing up a bit more. Her vision blurred drastically and faded back and forth.

"If I have suppressed the Hyde this long," she exclaimed, "I can do it tenfold!" She laughed warily as her vision began to darken and reached warily for the rope attached to a large bell of sorts by the door, she rang it before she went limp. The bell served as an emergency alert if anything were to occur to her physically. Poole came rushing in and picked her up with a sorrowful expression, carrying her up several flights of stairs to the master bedroom, where he lay her in more comfortable clothing.

"O, Mistress..." he sighed, "I hope all is well. I pray the Lord do you well."

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, bowed, and left his Mistress to her quarters to rest.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. HydeWhere stories live. Discover now