Dr. Jekyll's Invitation

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Two weeks after Christmas Mrs. Utterson was in her mansion, and a mailman delivered a letter from Dr. Jekyll. Mrs. Utterson smiled to herself and dismissed the mailman, thinking to herself about what she would bring to the dinner.

"She has invited me to dinner. I will take one of my best bottles of wine as a gift for her."

She rummaged through her cellar humming to herself as she pulled out a French wine.

"This shall do just fine," said she, "I love this flavour. I hope Katherine will like it as well. I am so glad to be her friend..."

Mrs. Utterson's though trailed off as she got dressed in preparation for the dinner party. Nothing to fancy, but nothing to shabby either, nothing like what she wore outside everyday.

At about six o'clock in the evening she boarded a carriage and arrived at Dr. Jekyll's mansion around six-thirty. She knocked on the door with her gift in hand, waiting for Poole to fetch the door. Soon Poole had opened the door, and welcomed her in with a smile, and Utterson smiled in return. In the center of the common room stood Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon having a conversation, the two talking as though their past had never occurred.

"Oh, Jane! There you are!" Said Jekyll, turning around with a radiating smile. She was currently in a casual long dress that went to her ankles with her hair put up in a style. Her hair was no longer tied back over her shoulder, and her beautiful curls fell gracefully over her shoulders in a remarkable state. She walked to Utterson and took her hands in hers, smiling and gesturing to Dr. Lanyon.

"Look, Elanor is here too!" Jekyll was pink with excitement. "We have come together and have decided to cease our argument and we have reconciled."

Dr. Lanyon stepped forward, her hair also put up nicely in a casual manner, and her dress was a plum color, and the dress went down to her ankles.

"Oh, Jane," said Lanyon, "You are late! We were talking about how the three of us used to get together all the time. Don't you ever miss the old days? When the three of us were such little things?"

"Yes," replied Utterson, "The golden days, how I miss those with every waking moment. I would not trade anything to have them back though. I have fulfilled my dreams of becoming a lawyer and pursuing my career, so I would not trade anything for the life I have now."

"That is agreeable," said Lanyon.

The friends laughed and Jekyll poured both of them a glass of wine.

"Elanor," said Jekyll, smiling, "How have your studies been? Have you found any other fields?"

"Precisely," said Lanyon. "I have found a potential cure for the newest plague that has been passed around as of currently."

"Splendid," said Jekyll, with a smile. Her cheeks were rosy from the three refills of wine she had."

"Katherine!" said both Lanyon and Utterson with a chuckle, "Perhaps you should cease the drinking."

"Not to worry," said Jekyll. "I shall."

Mrs. Utterson made her way for the door where Poole resided, and she smiled weakly, her expression then turning solemn.

"Goodbye," said Poole with a smile.

"Thank you, Poole," said Utterson, "Please take care of Dr. Jekyll for me."

"Do not fret, Mrs. Utterson." said Poole. "As soon as the evils of Ms. Hyde had come to a hush, Mistress Jekyll had a new lease on life itself. She would leave her room more frequently and would meet with friends. She also visited frequently as well as inviting them to visit her. And now she attends church and does charity there more often. She seems to do volunteer work sincerely and always does it with a smile upon her face. She has lived in peace for two months now."

"That sounds splendid," said Utterson with a smile. She walked through the door after Poole opened it for her.

"I shall get going." Said Utterson. She left after bidding everyone goodbye and went home.

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