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We had made it all the way back to Peli in Mos Eiesly without incident. I let Din drive the speeder bike while I clung to him and attempted to take a very crappy nap. It was hard to do with the roaring engine.

Peli had been in the middle of a card game with some insect species who just so happened to have a contact who knew where some mandalorians were hiding. Not really having any other leads we decided it was that it was better than nothing to investigate.

After changing my clothes and helping Din make his beskar shiny again, I was currently watching the droids cook the dragon meat with an engine. It was kind of entertaining to watch. Grogu let out a squeal of anxiousness. He couldn't wait to sink his little teeth into the meat.

I smiled from where I sat in the sand beside him. Din stood at full height to my left," I know sweetheart. I'm hungry too." I pet his little head lovingly.

Peli walked up to Din, standing behind me as she spoke to him," All right, here's the deal. A Mandalorian covert is close. It's in this sector, one system trailing."

"Are they the ones that left Navarro?" He wondered.

"Don't know. All I know is that the contact will lead you to them."

"How much will it cost us?" Din sounded skeptical. We had a right to be careful. When it came to Grogu, we didn't know who we could trust besides each other.

Peli shrugged," Well, that's the great news. It's free. Aside from a finder's fee, of course!"

I roared to look at her now," What's the not-so-great news?"

She turned sheepish and bit her lip, "the contact wants passage to the system and I vouch for them with my life."

I blinked at her, "okay?"

She confessed," But no hyperdrive."

Din gaped," You want us to travel sublight?! No. Deal's off."

While they went into a small disagreement I saw a frog lady step out from the building. Din saw her too and informed Din that he was not a taxi service.

"I know, I know!" She dismissed," But like I said I can vouch for her."

"What's the cargo." Din asked seeing the large container she was carrying on her back. It was filled with a blue liquid and little orange spheres. Her eggs. A part of me felt for the woman. She just wanted to make it home with her children—the last of her line. Using the hyperspeed would put the eggs at too much of a risk and kill them

The frog lady spoke and Peli translated," She said her husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask in the system of the gas giant Kol Iben."

Din sighed for a moment in thought, looking down at me. I gave him a nod to his unanswered question.

"Is she sure there are mandalorians there?"

Peli nodded," She said her husband's seen them."

I guess we were sharing the crest with frog lady then. I felt bad calling her frog lady, I might have to see into her mind to see if I can call her something different. But until then, Grogu and I were given big cuts of dragon steak and loving every minute of it.


Once on the ship, I let the frog lady sit in my co pilot seat and I sat to the left of Din in the extra chair. Din tried telling her that she needs to stay strapped in. But it was clear that she understood nothing. This language barrier was going to be harder than we thought.

【A Stronger Force】DinDjarinxOCWhere stories live. Discover now