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I couldn't help but bite my nails as we approached the planet. I dreaded this day. The thought of Grogu not being around anymore already forming a lump in my throat I've had ever since we entered hyperdrive to come here.

"Corvus. This is the place; I've detected a beacon." Din said allowed," I'm gonna start the landing cycle. You better get back in your seat with Loreth." He told Grogu who was sitting on the control panel.

All the little creature did was babble something and stay put making Din look down at him.

"Hey what did I tell you? Back in your seat."

Grogu grumbled something before standing and making his way over to me. I picked him up and put him in my lap like usual. I carefully pet his head making him look at me with those big brown eyes.

"Are we doing the right thing?" I whispered.

Din was silent for a moment," I don't know."

I sighed and leaned back into my seat. I knew this day would come but I got attached anyhow. I could feel fear and sadness swirling around inside me like a storm cloud. Ready to strike lightning at any moment. It was just a matter of time until the storm got so big. The only thing that eased that storm slightly was seeing Grogu use the force to put the silver metal ball from the shifter into his palm. And I let him have it.

Din and I stepped off the ramp, looking around at the planet Corvus. Grogu was carefully attached to my back in a sling.

This place looked....awful. The many trees were forest once stood were all bare, leaving just trunks in the ground. They rose up out of the dirt by the hundreds, standing still like a graveyard. No flowers, no grass, just death. Some distant creature screeched into the air probably from starvation if I had to guess. A green fog hung over the landscape like a bad omen.

"Not much to see out here, is there?" Din asked me.

"This is disgusting. Who would let it get like this?"

A cooing on my back caught our attention. Since I could see him, Din looked at him and side," What did I say about that? This needs to stay on the ship." He grabbed the metal ball from him and put it in his pocket.

"Let's head into town. See if we can pick up a lead." Din started to walk into the woods and I followed him," Never had dealings with a Jedi before."

It made me momentarily happy that he didn't consider me one, which I was thankful for because I was most definitely not one.

Din asked me as we walked," I just realized that I never asked you why you don't consider yourself a Jedi."

I felt happy to oblige his curious question," If we meet the Jedi today, I feel like they can tell you more. But, Jedi have this....code so that they don't turn to the dark side of the force—a sith. Certain emotions, certain attachments can tempt a force user to go dark side. I am neither. I walk the line between both sides and for that it makes me stronger. Force lightning is typically a sith ability."

"Yet you can do it."

I nodded," I can. Like I said, not affiliating with either side allows me to wield the light and the dark side of the force."

We slipped into a comfortable silence as we walked until Din asked," So you have an attachment?"

I chuckled," I have two very big attachments. You and Grogu. I...don't know if I'm ready to say goodbye."

Din placed a hand on my back, on top of Grogu," Me either, princess."


After walking a little longer we came upon a settlement. It had high walls and a large front get with metal door. There was a guardsman standing up top calling down to us,"state your business."

【A Stronger Force】DinDjarinxOCWhere stories live. Discover now