Suspect Above Suspicion

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Their steps grew louder as they ran faster. Valentino looked back to see if the guards caught up with them, and he saw the knights with their swords raised and malicious eyes, in a way that they want them dead.

Asha: I think they're gaining on us!

Stell: Don't worry! Take my hand!

Asha reached out to Stell, and suddenly, she felt that she was running on no ground. Valentino managed to cling onto Asha's skirt by biting on it.

Stell waved his other hand, swirling around Asha and Valentino, allowing them to fly on their own.

Valentino bleated in excitement, but the guards kept chasing them even though they were overhead.

Asha: How do I control my flying direction?

Stell: Your hands are spread out, right? Just lean yourself...then you can make turns.

Asha: Like a glider?

Stell nodded, and the two, along with the pet goat, turned right. They went straight ahead until they found a less dense part of the forest.

Meanwhile, the knights were pondering where the trio turned. Little did they also know that King Magnifico was monitoring their every move using his mirror shard scepter.

Knight #1: They turned left!

Knight #2: No! I remember that they went straight ahead!

Knight #3: I thought they were flying at our right!

Knight #1: I said, they—

Knight #3: Know-it-all! I'm sure they turned right!

Knight #2: Both of you are wrong! I saw it with my own two eyes, they didn't steer. Get it?

A glass shard suddenly materialized. It showed the angry king of Rosas, who was just done with their bantering.

Magnifico: SHUT UP! You three will stay right there, understood?

Knights: Yes, Your Highness!


Asha: Whew!

Stell: Yahoo! They're gone, they're gone (singsong)!

Asha: Okay, what's the next step?

Stell: Let me relax first; I need some "me" time.

Asha: Just don't go too far, Star Boy.

Stell walked away to another part of the forest, but he was still on Asha's and Valentino's sight.

All of a sudden, the apprentice heard a rustle in the bushes. She turned to look on the perpetrator of the sound.

Asha: Stell? Is that you?

The bushes made another crunching sound, and Asha turned back to the origin of it.

Asha: Stell, whatever this is, stop with your prank or something—

Amaya: Excuse me.

Asha: Oh (surprised and jumped back)! Your Highness!

Amaya: Asha, we have been looking for you for days now! Why did you disappear like that (worried)?

Asha: How did you find me?

Amaya: I asked your parents about you. They trusted me regarding the information they had on their lovely daughter (assuring Asha).

Asha had a suspicious feeling, but she did not want to judge the queen. Magnifico's actions do not define Amaya's. And she thought it would be better if she knew the truth.

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