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Hii Guys!!!

                    Mitali reached the home with her dad and entered the room. She messaged Avni that she reached home and sat on the bed. She thinks about DD.

DD: You are not someone. I can't lose you.

                Mitali remembers their school days. How they were together happily and had a good friendship. She left aside and slept. The next day, she reached the college. Tara and Siddharth brought the dress with the help of their friends. Avni asked them to distribute it.

Avni: Next week we have a function. So everyone get dressed well. And our department has taken charge of distributing sweets to the students. You have to come early and assemble in our class. Every department representative will come and get the sweets from you all. So, I want volunteers to do this work. Mitali, collect the name and give it to me during the break time. I need 5 members from your class at least. I can get the remaining volunteers from your senior and junior. Now, everyone listens to the class. Where do we stop yesterday?

                        Avni started to take the class. After her class finished, she left and Mitali stood in her place.

Mitali: As you heard from mam, give me your names if you are interested in volunteering.

             But no one seems to care about her words. They were in their world speaking with their friends. They were not interested in working for college when that was the time to celebrate. Mitali gets stressed seeing her classmate and controls it. DD raised his hand and asked his friends to raise their hand to volunteer.

Mitali: Only 3? Guys, will you give me your name or not? Do I have to plead with you all the time to give the name?

Student 1: Why can't you give your name? Why you are asking us?

Mitali: Every time it's me who is volunteering. Even yesterday, I and my friends went to the mall with mam.

Student 2: Then do this also.

Mitali: Ya, you!

Student 2: What?

Seema: Why always us?

Student 3: Because you are mam's favourite. So do it. We can't leave our enjoyment for snack distribution.

Mitali: You are going too far.

Tara: Mitali, leave it. Sit down. We will volunteer. Don't take it in your head.

                  Mitali sat on her seat. They continued their work. Tara, Seema, and Shalini control her stress. DD sees Mitali and feels that he isn't able to do anything. In the break time, Mitali handed over the volunteer list to Avni. Avni smiled and thanked Mitali for collecting the name list. Mitali smiles back.

Avni: Mitali

Mitali: Mam

Avni: Are you in trouble? I feel weird seeing you in these 2 weeks. You are not yourself. You are low and thinking about something often. If you are in trouble just tell me.

Mitali(in mind): Should I tell mam?  Mam can help me with the problem. What should I do now?

Mitali: Mam... that...

Avni: It's okay if you are not ready to share. Sometimes, we can't share everything with our professors. But at least you should tell your friends about your problems. They will help you. If you can't handle the problem just tell me. Don't try to solve it within yourself, sometimes it will fall into danger. I am telling this to you as a friend not as a professor.

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