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I woke to a knock on my door and my dad's voice. "Taehyung?"

"Shit!" I hissed, and raised a hand to my head as the throbbing set in. Jennie was still asleep, drooling rather unflattering on the pillow next to mine. I scrambled to hide the vodka and glasses under my bed and then shook Jennie a couple of times before i hurried over to open my door.

"Hey, Dad!" I said a little too brightly, but he was too busy looking last me at my bed to notice.

"Oh, Jennie stayed over?" He asked as she sat up and smacked her lips. She hid a pained look and shot him a sleepy smile, and he waved lamely at her. "Guess I'll make a couple more pancakes," he said, and then added, more quietly, "Next time, you need my permission."

"Sorry," I mumbled, and closed the door behind him as soon as he was gone. I turned away and rested my back against it, watching Jennie, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Holy crap," she said, and raised both hands to run her temples. "My head. Never again."

As much as my own head hurt, I couldn't help but smile at her. "You made so much sense last night, Oh Wise One."

"Shut up, I was smarter than you!" She shot back, and chuckled her spit-stained pillow at me as I laughed at her.


"So how was your date last night, Mr. Kim?" Jennie asked him over breakfast. I shot her a look but she didn't take her eyes off of him.

To my surprise, dad smiled at her, and then said, "It went well. Thank you for asking."

"Suck up," I mumbled to her, and nudge her foot with mine under the table. She caught my leg with her and then yanked, nearly displacing me from my chair. Dad arched an eyebrow at the both of us as I replied to her grin with a glare.

"So do you have any plans for today?" He asked us. To me, he added, "Do you plan on finding a new job?"

"Yes," i told him. "As soon as I see one I think I'll enjoy, I'll apply."

"I think I'd like to go back to that spot by the cliff today," Jennie spoke up abruptly. Dad and I had the same reaction.

"You mean the spot by the water?" I corrected.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea," said dad. "Your parents wouldn't want you there."

"It was an accident," Jennie insisted. "I'm okay. I won't go as far out this time." She turned to me and gave me a small smile. "I just thought that after last night I owed you. I want to plan something for the two of us."

I blush abruptly and glanced to my dad, who was watching us with raised eyebrows. Jennie suddenly realize how badly her words had sounded, and turned red herself.

"It's not how it sounds," I told my dad quickly. "I helped her dye her hair."

"Oh, yeah. Proof!" Jennie perked up and pulled her hair back to reveal the treak underneath. "I've always wanted it done. My parents never let me."

"So you came here and did it while I was out," Dad confirmed, although he looked a little amused. "Now you're definitely not going back to the water without asking your parents first."

"I'll ask," Jennie agreed. She turned to me. "Get a swimmer on and come over in an hour."

I shifted awkwardly. I didn't really want to go anywhere near the cliff or the water after what happened last time, but I'd also decided to make a point of letting Jennie enjoy the time she had left. Sighing, i nodded. "Just be careful?"

"I will. Promise." She looked at dad as she moved to stand. "Thanks for the breakfast, Mr. Kim."

"No problem and you're welcome anytime."

"Thanks. And, um, my parents love Taehyung, so he's welcome anytime, too."

"Good to know."

There was an awkward pause and i realized Jennie was waiting for me to walk her our. I stood up hastily and headed for the front door, letting her fall into step beside me.

"So do you think you'll regret the pink strand?" I asked her, mostly to make conversation.

She shook her head and smiled. "Never."

We reached the door and she faced me, one hand on the doorknob. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then told me, "Taehyung, I'm really glad i met you."

I nodded, hiding a grin. "I know."

She pressed her lips together in mock-offence. "Say it back." I knew she was only kidding, and that I didn't have to say it. I also knew that a month ago, i couldn't have said it back. Not with confidence, anyway. Things were different now.

"Kim Jennie, I am so glad i met you." She bit her bottom lip for a moment, and then took a deep breath before she spoke again.

"So this day by the water that my parents are definitely going to let us have because I'm going to beg them to say yes? I'm gonna call it a date. Okay?"

I blinked a couple of times, and then swallowed hard and nodded. "Okay."

"Good." She offered her gummy smile, reaching out with her free hand to gently squeeze mine. "Your move," she told me, and then slipped out quietly through the front door.

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