Chapter 3

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Moment of silence for the boys and how they have to put up with getting mobbed....

Here's the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!
I was so overwhelmed with emotion I just awkwardly stood there, wishing I could run and hide. Not only was there hundreds of paps outside taking photos of me with my hot pink suitcase, but also tons of fangirls that could just be standing there judging me. I tightened my grip around my suitcase handle as I made my way towards the people who came through the door.

"Umm hi." I said quietly, my voice shaking.

"Hi! You must be Samira!! Oh my word you look so much like your mother!" The woman cried, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm Anne and this is Harry!" She said, pointing the boy with the curly hair. Man, no wonder all the girls at school said he was known for those curls.

"Hey." He said smiling. I nodded back at him. Harry looked back at his mother then at me, then turned to look at the buff guy behind him.
"And um, that's Paul, he's our body guard. I'm so sorry about the mob. I really wanted you to be able to arrive here without all the paps. We should leave as soon as we can so just keep your head down and don't answer any questions they ask you."

Before I even had a chance to respond. Harry grabbed my suitcase at the same time that my aunt grabbed my arm and led me through the door.

I knew celebrities got mobbed, but I never knew this bad. I was blinded by all the camera flashes and I could barely hear my own thoughts as my ears were drowned out with the sound hundreds of voices screaming out all sorts of questions.

"Harry can I take a picture with you?"

"Samira, how was your flight?"

"Harry! Follow me on twitter!"

"Harry! Samira! Smile for the camera!"

I clutched the strap of my backpack and stared at my feet, blinded by the camera flashes. To my relief, I felt a hand shoving me into a black car as Paul slammed the door and as quick as he could, climb into his seat and begin driving just as hundreds of hands banged against the window as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"My gosh. Harry what do you do to get people so obsessed over you? They're all genna kill us one day!" Paul joked, pausing between words to catch his breath.

"I'm pretty sure I'll be deaf by the time I'm 35." Harry said, laughing, looking uncomfortable as my suitcase was on his lap because the mob prevented him from putting it in the trunk. I stared out the window as silence overtook the car.

"Well Samira! I'm so glad to have you with us, though, the circumstances are quite unfortunate." I nodded, staring out the window. I didn't want to think about Devan. I didn't want to process it because deep down I knew that their was pain. Pain because a piece of me had been shot with Devan. Pain because I knew that I wouldn't have any new memories with him. Pain because he was all I had left of anything. He was my solid rock. Sometimes, I would begin to process these things. But I would always stop myself as soon as I felt the tears rush to my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to make you more upset than you already are." Anne said, patting my hand.

"It's okay." I replied, still staring out the window. We spent the rest of the ride in silence as I stared out the window. So many buildings here were made of bricks. The traffic got a bit heavier as we entered the downtown part of London. The streets were decorated with expensive stores, several stories filled with the newest style of clothing.

We made a right turn right in front of Harrods department store where several people were pouring out of the doors of the shop. We pulled into the driveway of a tall narrow house. There were around twelve other identical houses on either side of the street.

"I usually stay here when I come here to London for photoshoots or interviews and things so it's basically my back up house. We thought we could hang around in London and show you the sights if you want to." Harry lifted my suitcase out of the car and rolled it up to the front door.

"Sure. I'd really like that." I said as Anne pulled the house keys out of her purse. I needed any distraction I could get.

Anne pushed the door open and I tried to stop myself from just standing and staring in awe at the chandelier that dangled from the ceiling, it's crystals glistening in the light that was pouring in the room from the window across from it.

The first floor had the kitchen and a living room with a flat screen TV and a couch which surrounded the perimeter of the room.

A spiral staircase led up to the second floor which had four rooms. My room was facing the driveway which had a balcony with flowers and a white chair with a small matching table in front of it.

The room itself was small, but
perfect. It had a queen sized bed with satin sheets with a small nightstand next to it, a mirror which was behind the door, and wardrobe which was against the wall. The bathroom had a bath with a shower above it and several cabinets to put things in.

I was still in awe. This place must've cost a fortune. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, picturing my old house. The faded couch, the small and creaky staircase and the crammed rooms.

"Oh the life of the rich and famous." I muttered.

"It is a lot isn't it?" A husky voice said. I bolted up, feeling my cheeks turn red.

"Uh um... Sorry." I told a grinning Harry who was standing in the doorway with my suitcase.

"It's alright. I don't blame you for being shocked." Harry said, bringing my suitcase over. I smiled and unzipped my suitcase and began lifting what clothes I had into the drawers. I was taken aback to see Harry leaning against the wall, reading something on his phone. He lifted his head up from his phone as soon as I had put the last shirt away.

"That's all you have to unpack?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For clothes yeah." I told him sheepishly. All the clothes I had were small for me and had threads draped down from them because of the bad quality.

"Well good because I just organized a shopping trip with you and Gemma."


"Yeah she's my sister." Officer Maylo must've forgotten to mention Gemma.

"She lives in another house here in London since she's a college student so she'll only be coming for dinner."

"Oh... That's cool." I said nodding awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"Well I'll leave you alone now." Before I could reply he closed the door. My expectations were so low of this so called family of mine that they had totally surprised me by their kindness. I had no idea what I was even expecting anymore.

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