Chapter 16

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So school started

People are already pissing me off

5 more chapters left guys!

"" Yet another tsunami had passed through my mind, leaving me breathless.

"It's from Devan."

"Liam, Gemma did tell you about the picnic dinner we're doing at the park tonight right?"

"Yes but what the heck Niall?"

"Samira, do you want to meet us there? I figure you might want to read this alone."

"Thanks Niall."

"Or I could wait for you downstairs."

"Sure if you don't mind waiting." He shot me a small smile and close the door gently behind him and Liam.

I slowly unwrapped the letter, my heart racing.

I know you're probably mad. I know you think I sucked at being a brother. And my biggest regret now is not being there for you. I think you deserve the truth, the truth that I have put off for several years.

We had no money. Not a penny. I knew there were no options in our town so I drove to Denver. That is where I met Xavier. Xavier had just moved here from England. And he was very very angry.

You are probably wondering why I never told you about who your cousins were. It was for a good reason. The less you knew the better. You see, Xavier was a very good singer. He had always wanted to become one. He had no support from his family . All he wanted to prove he could do something for once. The girl he had liked forever was also running for x-factor. He lost to Harry who also got the girl. He loathed Harry so much for making him look weak. He never wanted to admit defeat.

He was humiliated and tried to get as far away from England as possible. He joined a gang. They all hated him and thought he was a coward and didn't want him there. They said they would let him join as long as he get revenge on Harry. They didn't want him wasting their time.

He told me this and I got an idea. It was dumb, but it was all I got. I told him Harry was my cousin. I said that if he helped provide me with money to help take care of you I would help him find Harry and join his gang. He agreed, and he said if Harry wasn't dead by the end I would pay.

I hoped over time he would realize how stupid and irrational he was. He never did. I haven't kept the end of my deal. I would rather die than betray Harry. I'm going to Denver soon to try to deal with the situation. I don't know what the turn out will be. Xavier is more desperate than me. He will do anything to stay in the gang, otherwise it means losing face and that's what he's scared of.

I'm sorry, I have failed you as a brother. I guess I'm not as smart as you think I am.
I love you.

A tear trickled down my cheek. There were still so many things I didn't understand. Did Xavier even kill Devan? Why would Xavier kill Devan if Devan was his only connection to Harry? How did the killer find us?

I slowly walked down the creaking steps, the note in my hand. When I saw Niall at the bottom I ran into his arms, tears falling freely from my eyes.

"Niall I have to show the boys this letter."

"So you want to go then?"

"This letter will help us find the answer." Niall nodded slowly and grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers into mine as we entered into the ice cold air which seemed to freeze my tears.


As soon as the park appeared into view I dropped Niall's hand and sprinted to where the boys and Paul were sitting.

"Paul!" I yelled, waving the note in my hand.

"I found something!" I quickly shoved the letter into his hand, but not before a deep, scratchy voice spoke sending chills up my spine.

"Not for long." And then there was a loud bang and I entered a sudden world of darkness.

Let the climax begin

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