Chapter 7: Nite-Fall

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It is dark, a narrow space between buildings. The putrid smell of human waste is overwhelming, as the area is littered with garbage disposal bins. Dozens of mice scurry around, feasting on the leftover scraps. The alleyway is long and narrow, with shadows dancing on the walls. Outside, the noise of sirens blaring from police cars can be heard, indicating a frantic chase as they search for someone.

 Outside, the noise of sirens blaring from police cars can be heard, indicating a frantic chase as they search for someone

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Suddenly, a dustbin toppled over with a loud thud, echoing through the narrow alleyway. Three figures emerged, desperately searching for a place to hide. Two of them were supporting a third, who was barely able to stand. It was 4am, and the faint moonlight revealed their faces. Mid-Nite, covered in blood, his black vest now a deep crimson, with blood dripping from his mouth and his eyes half-closed, was being held up by Immortal and Blur - that's me.

"What do we do now?!" Immortal screamed, his voice filled with urgency and fear.

"What do we do now?!" Immortal screamed, his voice filled with urgency and fear

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"I don't know, everything happened so... so fast," I exclaimed in pain as blood started dripping from my ankle.

"FAST?! For you?! Oh please! You messed up and yo-" Immortal's voice was filled with frustration.

"Calm the hell down, Ahnaf! It was no-" Blur tried to interject, but Immortal cut him off.

"No, you listen! We had a plan, and you went off script! Now look at Mid-Nite! He's barely hanging on!" Immortal's voice cracked with a mix of anger and desperation.

"Off script? Are you kidding me? I did what I had to do to save us! If I hadn't acted, we'd all be dead by now!" Blur shot back, his voice rising.

"Save us? You call this saving us? We're cornered, bleeding, and Mid-Nite is dying! How is this saving us?!" Immortal's eyes blazed with fury.

The quarrel kept going on and on, two friends blaming each other for something that was not any of their fault. The structure that we made was nothing but a house of cards, one little slip and it all came crashing down, and slip it did. But the slip was not caused by any of us. The slip was caused by an outside force, and it all came down. So let me tell you how it all began.

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