Chapter 11: Nexus

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It was a sunny morning, birds chirping all over the streets as the snow settled in, showing signs of early summer. Despite the chill in the air, the kindergarten and nursery were bustling with life. Small kids could be seen playing outside on the school playgrounds, their laughter echoing through the crisp air.

In one corner, a group of toddlers were riding colorful seesaws, their faces lighting up with joy as they went up and down. Nearby, a line of children eagerly waited their turn to slide down the little slides, their giggles filling the air as they zoomed down.

 Nearby, a line of children eagerly waited their turn to slide down the little slides, their giggles filling the air as they zoomed down

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In the distance, a boy with medium-sized messy hair could be seen sitting all alone on a bench nearby, eating his lunch. At that time, I was just 5 years old, having fun around the playground. Everything was going perfectly until I saw these two kids from the upper classes snatching away the lunchbox of the messy-haired boy. They were tall and looked strong, but surprisingly, that did not scare the boy with messy hair one bit.

He stood up, and I could feel the anger in his face ready to burst. His eyes narrowed, and his fists clenched tightly. Without hesitation, he threw a punch at the tall boy to his side, right on his face. The tall guy flinched in surprise, his hand instinctively reaching up to his face. Quickly, he grabbed hold of the messy-haired boy's hand, twisting it painfully. The other kid, seizing the opportunity, delivered a short punch to the boy's gut, causing him to double over in pain.

But the messy-haired boy did not stop. With his other free hand, he grabbed the hair of the second kid and started pulling it with all the force he could muster. The kid yelped in pain, trying to free himself from the boy's grip. Seeing this, the tall boy at his side grabbed the neck of the messy-haired boy and started pushing him backward in anger. The boy stumbled but managed to keep his balance, his eyes blazing with determination.

 The boy stumbled but managed to keep his balance, his eyes blazing with determination

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That was it for me. I could have helped him, but I was too scared of what might happen to me. Fear gripped me, and I decided to follow the rules and do the only thing I thought was right at that moment. I ran, I ran towards one of the teachers, my heart pounding in my chest, asking them to come to the spot quickly as there were bullies.

When we reached the spot, we saw the messy-haired boy sitting atop one of the tall guys, squeezing his neck as he lay there on the ground, trying to push himself away. The other guy was grabbing hold of the messy-haired boy by his arms around his neck, trying to pull him away.

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