Chapter Two: So The Mockingbird Sits in the Mirror and Mimics

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The Department of Mysteries layout had changed so much throughout the years, at least that's always what Grim said. He would talk about how him and his closest pals, Al and Nick, have seen every change that has occurred since they started their work here.

Celeste knocked on the door of Grim's office. He had his back turned and his hand to his ear, holding a no-maj device they called a mobile. Celeste loved her mobile, and often wondered why it was so hard for Wizarding England to use invention from their non-magical counterparts. Everything would be so much easier if they advanced faster.

Grim turned to face her and whispered something that sounded like, "one moment". He always wore all black which made the greying hairs from stress, all that much more prevalent. His eyes had that slight crinkle from years of experiencing joy, and they only deepened when he stared at the photo of his wife and their two children.

Grim Fawley had an interesting history to say the least. Besides the Fawley and the famous French Auclair family connecting in the early 1900's, the Fawleys were always renowned as they were apart of the Sacred 28, dignifying them as thorough Purebloods. Grim had been only in his first year as a Hufflepuff in Hogwarts, when Albus Dumbledore was murdered. After losing both his parents during the war, he had been determined to be a part of something helpful. He studied hard, graduated with outstanding marks, and immediately started working as a research assistant for the DMLE. He liked working in Magical Law Enforcement, but after marriage and children he needed more. So his wife, Penelope, used her connections in the Ministry to get him a job as an Unspeakable, and he started working with his new colleague Al. It took Grim proving himself during his trial before the two of them really became friends, thus introducing him to Nick. They were brothers, especially once Grim's wife disappeared in incident of the "The London Five". He was thrown into grief and anger and became a suspect in The Calamity, an event in which people were torn and thrown back into existence correctly and incorrectly. He had done nothing wrong, but it looked bad, so once again he had to prove himself and he did.

Now he was the Head of the Department of Mysteries and Celeste was proud of him.

"Okay. Tell Nick I said hi," she immediately knew who Grim was speaking with. "Yeah I gotta go, I have to talk to Celeste-... hello? Al? Call dropped." He said that last sentence to Celeste so she responded.

"No he hung up, he's not a big fan of me." She said while leaning into the door frame.

"I have bad reception all the way down here, have you ever tried using one of these things in your office?"

Celeste gave him a withering look.

"Okay well I don't believe he doesn't like you, he didn't like me when we first met. It took him a year to get used to me, and now he's family." He chuckled, reminiscing.

"He's practically your boyfriend, Grim. Nick too." She meant it sarcastically, but she also thought that maybe there was some truth to the protectiveness those three felt over each other.

Al acted off when it came to Celeste, and him being jealous of Grim's family and his affection for them would make sense to her. The first and only time she had met him was in the very office she stood in now. The day she started working as an Unspeakable and the day he left the Ministry.

She had walked in to speak to Grim, holding a box with an extension charm filled to the brim of supplies and plants for her office but when she entered, Grim wasn't alone. That's when Al had turned to her, arms crossed and his eyes narrowing like he was studying her with a ghost in between them. He was in his mid 40's.

"You came." Al said plainly as he spun the gold band on his ring finger.

"Well of course I did, it's my first day." She replied, matter of factly. She wanted to add 'you twit' at the end of her statement but she didn't want to start off on bad footing, no matter how insulted she was by his assumption she wouldn't show up to start this very dangerous job.

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