Chapter Twelve: Consistency is Key

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"If there is anything we can count on you for, Sebastian, it is consistency," Imelda said as she peeled another tooth flossing stringmint she had bought from Honeydukes, sharing the other half with Ominis.

"I said the exact same thing to him after defense against the dark arts." Ominis chimed in, feeling the candy between his fingers.

The three of them stood under the clock tower, waiting for the unsanctioned dueling to start and for a certain witch to show up.

"I have to be reliable somehow," Sebastian replied while watching with disgust as Ominis and Imelda sucked on the split candy. "What is your particular quarrel with Crossed Wands? I thought this dueling club fit the list of activities that suited your preferences."

"Thank you so much for mentioning what is suitable to me. You'll find as long as you are not drinking, consuming inebriating potions, partaking in illegal activities, or breaking the heart of my closest friend- I will find whatever you do acceptable. However, this hobby of yours falls under said 'illegal activity'." She muttered with her mouth full of floss.

"Where is my floss? Don't I get any?" Sebastian asked. He didn't particularly want any; they weren't making the candy look very appetizing. When had they gotten so close that they shared sweets? Strangely he felt left out these days, like his soul outgrew these walls and these people. Watching the two of them made it worse somehow.

"You'll spoil your appetite," Imelda's tone reminded him of Anne. She would've said the same thing to him if she was here, reminding him to eat his midday meal within the next couple of hours.

"Fine." He turned and looked behind him to the gathering of students, all talking in groups. "It is not illegal. The worst that could happen is someone gets a little too hurt, and Headmaster Black expels us for forming an unregistered, organized club against school rules."

"Who has ever described this as organized? It was founded by a 3rd year!" Imelda protested.

"Lucan Brattleby does us all a fantastic service by continuing to sort our matches. These tournaments are so entertaining that even Ominis audibly spectates. Right, Ominis?"

"I just prefer attending to hear you get hit with as many hexes as possible. It makes my day." He said with a bright grin.

It wasn't long before Sebastian saw Celeste walking towards him. He was leaning on the iron gating of the clocktower, arms tightly folded together and his right foot crossed around his left ankle. She stopped in front of the group, sizing them up.

"The need to know knocked out the kneazle?" Sebastian asked, taking in her appearance. Her dark hair had now been plaited into a detailed braid; she had to have done it within the timeframe they were apart. Her locks seemed so soft like he could run his fingers along the ridges of her braid and mistake it for silk.

"Please do clarify what that means." She crossed her arms.

"It's a phrase I'm fond of." Sebastian thought of Anne again. She was the one who came up with the idiom when they were kids. He looked over to Imelda, who seemed deep in thought over the statement. Imelda and Priscilla had been close with Anne. They probably have heard the phrase a million times over.

"Well I am here, would these two be the members of your secret dueling club?" Celeste looked at all three Slytherins as if she found the trio a sad excuse for a club.

"Please, I try very hard to not partake in anything Sebastian does." Ominis looked offended. It was true, he hated most of Sebastian's activities even the ones that weren't labeled as debauchery. In fact, Ominis was very well aware that Sebastian would be making another trip to the library after the match, and he would try very hard not to follow him there.

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