Chapter Thirteen: We've Got a Recipe For Disaster

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It was becoming increasingly apparent that someone was trying to kill Celeste these last few days. It wasn't really that jarring, people have tried to kill her during her assignments before. This wasn't a first for her, it was just far more persistent this time around, and it was honestly starting to put her out.

She knew she was bleeding in multiple areas: her knuckles scuffed, her nose draining, a scratch on her temple. Her skirt was torn, revealing the skin of her thigh where her woolen socks met just above her knee. Her hair fell out of its braid entirely.

She stared up at the massive troll, breathing unevenly, only slightly aware of all the damaged stores.

"I just bought these clothes, you brainless oaf." Enraged, she attacked again.


1 hour earlier


When Celeste descended the staircase at the main entrance, she wasn't realistically expecting Sebastian Sallow to be there waiting, but he was, arms crossed, smiling lazily at her. It seemed she could, at least, count on his curiosity winning over any ill feelings towards her leaving the match.

"You came." She said as she stepped to him.

"I couldn't let you have all the fun," His voice oozed confidence as he took in her appearance. Her braid was swept over her shoulder. The hairs that framed her face were starting to get in the way of her hazel eyes. "Quite the slippery young thing you are. Tell me, do you make it a habit of leaving quietly when expected to stay?" He kept his gaze on that one strand.

She could've told him the truth and mentioned her meeting with Professor Weasley or that she had never intended to stay, especially when he pissed her off with ultimatums, orders, and well-thought-out reasoning for her lies. She absolutely could've been honest.

Would she be? No.

"You wanted to know what I am known for." Celeste matched his stance by crossing her arms and blew the strand away from her eyes.

"So you're known for disappearing."

"-And don't forget the disobedience."

"Ah yes, how could I forget that?" His grin shifted into lascivious amusement. "I will need you to do as you're told while we're in Hogsmeade. No leaving when I ask you to stay in one place... For safety reasons." He finished smugly.

With a roll of her eyes, Celeste walked out the main doors with him in tow. The sun was bright and warm against her skin; it eased an ache somewhere in her chest and replaced it with serenity. Her eyes locked on the large fountain in the center of the courtyard.

She could almost see a vision of her sitting there on the lip of the stone, Teddy standing over her with a scowl.

"Lunch break is over."

Celeste thought about all the times he had probably kissed Victoire in front of that fountain in their school days. How he had reached for her until she was comfortably in his embrace, smiling at how beautiful and brilliant she was, snogging the best witch ever to exist. She replaced the image of the blonde with herself, arms wrapping around Teddy's neck, laughing against his mouth.

The ache in her chest returned.

She stuck her fingers in her pocket, finding the case of cigarettes and their photo together. If she focused hard enough, she could remember drinking with Teddy, the feeling of her lips touching the cold metal of the flask that his own had wrapped around. It was the closest thing they had ever shared to a kiss.

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