Chapter 1.. Introductions and Looks..

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My blonde soft curls repeatedly hit my back as I sped-walked down the hallway, trying to avoid being late as it was my first day of high school. I turned the corner and smack. Right into some guy. He was wearing a dark gray shirt and smelled of some pine scented cologne. I scooted back, apologizing, I don't get a chance to look up before I immediately keep walking to my class feeling eyes seared into me
Fortunately, I got to that class, and all my others, on time that day. Only to find my brother out on the football field, talking to some girl, and I called out to him, the girl glanced over, hand over her eyes to block the sun and properly see me, she looked almost disappointed or saddened by the sight of me. I walked over so I could properly have a conversation with him

"Hey Alex when are you done? I want to go."

The girl looked at me, pushing her brunette hair aside, freckles peaking through

"Well Hello to you too Alyssa. And I'll be done soon, it's the first day back"

I glance to the girl and back at him, takes him a second but he realizes-

"Oh! Alyssa this is Hannah, Hannah this is Alyssa, my baby sister" he says, looking at the respective parties, I see the noticeable relief in her face as I scowl at Alex for the acknowledgment he used toward me

Just then a familiar figure jogs up behind Alex and Hannah, calling towards my brother

"Hey Alex get over here!"

My brother turns his body to look at the guy calling his name, moving just enough so I can see who it is.

"Marcus! Long time no see, huh?" I put my hands to my hips as I shrug along with my words

His jog becomes slowed to a full stop as he looks at me. His eyes examining. I watch them scan my full body, suddenly making me very conscious of my denim ripped jeans and dark purple crop tight hugging my body. My hands curl inwards from my hips to cover my stomach subtlety, his head cocks slightly to the right before he lets out a breath

"Hey Ally." His mouth still open at a loss for words

Alex, as oblivious as he is, turns towards Marcus, Marcus catches the movement in his peripheral vision and snaps his eyes to my brother. Alex grabs Marcus as they run toward the field, Alex waving back and Marcus looking back, making direct eye contact with me.

I'm confused, why was he looking at me like he had never seen me before? It has been 3 years. I remember the last time I saw him, he was in 8th grade while I was in 6th, he always seemed so much cooler, and yet again he does still. I turned my attention to Hannah, who'd been eyeing my brother the whole time.

"So what's this?" I watch her eyes snap into reality toward me

"What's what?" She blurts, my eyelids drop as I glare at her

"It's nothing, he's literally a Senior and a football player."

I sigh and grab her hand and we go sit on a bench and continue to talk and get to know each other

Before I knew it, it had been 2 hours and Alex was walking up with Marcus close behind, helmets in hand, while me and Hannah were still talking on the bench.

"Ready to go Ally?"

"Oh... I guess it is about that time" I glance to Hannah

After we say our farewells I walk off with Alex, Marcus still close behind.

We get to the car and Alex opens the back door for me and I squint my eyes in a suspicious manner at him and sit down. Alex walks around and sits in the passenger seat while Marcus gets in driver seat.

throughout the drive home I see Marcus stealing quick glances in the review mirror at me, but I'm off thinking about random things, not all including boys.

We arrived at Alex and I's house and walk in, I walk directly to the kitchen, grab a pack of cookies, and hop onto the counter to eat them. Alex and Marcus are not far behind me, still drenched in sweat from football practice, Alex brushes against me and I fake gag at getting his sweat on me, causing Marcus to crack a smile and Alex to spin around to face me. I messed up. I shouldn't have done that when he was still covered in sweat. He turns back around and rubs his entire back along my side as I gag at the smell and feeling, at this point Marcus is laughing at us, well me. I'm not sure what he was thinking but Alex takes his shirt off, I run toward my living room immediately as he chases me Marcus walking behind, Alex tackles me onto the carpet holding me against it

"Marcus come tickle her sides now!"

Marcus, still laughing walks closer
Are you kidding me? Are we still 8?

To my surprise, He pushes Alex off and offers me a hand to stand up, I glance at Alex's face in shock, as I pull myself up by Marcus' hand, slightly sliding against his body the way up. Once I'm up I look up at his blue eyes, quickly taking a step back, thanking him. Then I glance toward Alex and stick my tongue out. I can be 8 too.

It started to get a bit later and we had ordered a classic pizza, just regular pepperoni. The 3 of us sat around on the couch waiting for it to show up. We were on an L shaped couch facing the tv, I was laying on the part with the L, because I rightfully claimed it before Alex could and the bottom half of my torso was covered by a blanket. Marcus was seated next to me with Alex on the other side of him.

"Any movie ideas?" Alex asks

"I vote for romance! Or maybe a romcom?" I immediately say, in which Alex responds with a groan

"Do we have to watch one of those cheesy lovey dovey movies?" Alex sighs out in a whiney voice. Suddenly his head snaps to Marcus,

"Marcus what do you want to watch?" He quickly adds

"I'd be fine with anything" Marcus replies glancing between both of us

"Romance it is." I reply in a victorious voice

"Fine. Try to find one, the pizza will be here soon" Alex says, completely lacking enthusiasm.

I settled on 'the kissing booth' , the first one, hoping I can get them to watch the other two with me. Suddenly the doorbell rang,

"I'll get it!" Alex shouted as he stood up, walking towards the door

I felt eyes on me as I was setting up for the movie. I looked over and locked eyes with Marcus. His eyes only varied from my eyes for a moment to scan my body quickly. He broke the silence first, and this stare off,

"How was the past few years Alyssa?" he said, as he turned his attention back to the tv

"It was primarily uneventful.." I responded sheepishly
"Yours?" I added, sounding too hopeful

"It was alright." He smiles, "Would've been better with a bit of company though" he turns and winks at me

I bursted out laughing, and after a few seconds he joined my laughter, only for Alex to walk in the room with the pizza box

"What's so hilarious?" Alex asks with an eyebrow raised

Me and Marcus look over at eachother, I almost break into laughter yet again, but control myself and shake my head,

"Nothing." "Ready to get our kissing booth on?" I add.

Attention is turned to the tv, primarily. Wandering eyes tend to find their way to me. I'm curious to as what he was seeing? I was nothing like the upperclassmen in my school. I'm a pebble compared to them. So why did he look at me so.. I'm not sure if intensely is the right word but, it'll work. I mean if he's going to look at me, I might as well look at him right?

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