first mission 4

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"We're gonna die!!"Tony screamed.

"Stop panicking! It will only make things worse!"Scarlett said and sighed in frustration as she was getting a headache from all the yelling.

All of a sudden, a helicopter appeared and they let three ladders down for them to climb.

"Yo!"Vanessa shouted from the helicopter.

"Huh!? What are you doing here!??"Tony yelled in disbelief.

"Sabing your butts, duh"She rolled her eyes. "Hurry up will you? I can see armed cars coming your way"

"First off:We don't need your help! And second off:How did you even know??"Tony shouted while the others climbed the ladders as fast as they can.

"I called them"Sabrina casually said as Taufan levitated her up to the helicopter because she 'doesn't want to ruin her boots'.

"Aha"he nodded. "Still! We don't need saving!"

"Fine by me, have fun fighting an entire army on your own"She blankly said and shrugged.

"What are you tal-"He turned around only to find a large army coming his way, only the universe can tell how he hasn't got hit by them yet. "Shit-"

"Just get up already!"Andrew shouted.

"No! I don't want to be indebted to her!"Tony huffed, still running for dear life while the others were already on the helicopter.

"He is the exact copy of Blaze"Sabrina commented while Ice nodded in agreement.

"This two.."Solar thought in disbelief. "We are in a life and dead situation and the only think they care for is that.."

Vanessa sighed and crossed her arms. "Stop being childish and just climb up will you? I will make this one an exception"

"I don't trust you! You're more evil than a witch!"He stuck his tounge out at her while she shook her head.

A bullet suddenly came flying at him from the helicopter, but luckily he managed to dodge in time.

"Woy! Who did th-"Tony immediately shuts his mouth the moment he saw Clara standing beside Vanessa while holding a gun aimed at him.

"Wanna say that again?" Clara asked with an evil smirk on her face.

Tony shook his head in panic and smiled akwardly. "Forgive me for my language"His panic increased when she placed her finger on the trigger. "Spare my life!!"

"That's enough Clar, no need to waste your ammo on him"Vanessa then looked at Taufan. "Levitate him up here will you?"

"Sure.."Taufan did as asked while wondering in his head how scary Clare could be if someone as similiar as Blaze was afraid of her.

"Ouch!"Tony caressed his head that was smacked by Clara.

"You're lucky this time,but don't do that again."

"Yes ma'am..!"

"Who is this..? That's not the Tony that I know.."Blaze thought to himself.

"What are you staring at!?"She glared at Blaze.

"Nothing!"He quickly hid behind Gempa.

"I'm not your shield.."Gempa mumbled.

"They are aiming at us with a tank!"Betsy said from the driver's seat.

"What!?"Everyone shouted.

All of them looked through the helicopter's open door and saw the green tank behind the army, but still close enough to hit them.

"And this is why I told you to hurry up"Vanessa sighed.

"Sorry okay.."Tony grumbled, not wanting to feel Clara's wrath.

"Can I use that now!???"Clara asked in excitement.

"Hm? What does she mean?"Thorn asked.

"Probably her bazooka.."Lily whispered calmly.

Halilintar, who was standing quietly standing at the back, almost chocked on air when he heard her reply.

"Chaos it is.."Scarlett sighed.

"Sure, fire as much as you want"Clara immediately grabbed her bazooka the moment Vanessa agreed while told Betsy to get ready.

"Time for my baby to shine!"Clara smiled brightly like a child in candy store and fired the first shot.

"And I thought I was destructive.."Blaze mumbled. "She's even worse.."

"Scary.."Tony hid behind his cousin.

"And that's why you don't insult Vanessa"Andrew reminded him.

Gempa and Andrew sighed at the same, looked at each other and sighed again as they could understand each other's mind.

In the end of the day, they managed to come back safely.---After destroying a whole military base that is.


Tony:"I knew that she would go overboard!"

Blaze:"She's too scary.."

Scarlett:"How am I supposed to explain this to the director..?"

Gempa:"my head hurts from all the explosions..."

Lily + Thorn:"poor sissy/Gemgem.."

Ice + Sabrina:*instantly best friends*

Solar:*worried for this new made friendship*

Taufan:"Finally it's over..!" *cry internally out of relief*

Halilintar + Andrew:*too tired for anything*

Clara:*very happy and satisfied*

Betsy + Vanessa:*questioning their friend's sanity*

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