League of legends

111 2 0

Y/n: walking around a large jungle guarding the point as his team was currently guarding the points/statues at the right and left sides which were also protected by minions of course given where y/n is was down mid range and at the most guarded one when it came to defence as it was the main target for the opposing team to capture. The only thing he had on him was dual swords and a gun along with fire and poison magic which is effective if his enemy is 10 meters or less of range otherwise the fire or poison won't work with an extra damage overtime it'll just do weak damage mainly due to him being at base level 1.

Currently over on the upper to mid left side y/n team was holding the point down as best as possible which wasn't hard due to the amount of minions and actually opponents they killed to gain exp.

As for the right side point well it wasn't looking to good for them as most of the attackers and tanks where on left side or down mid lane with
Y/n as this only left 2 actual non minion npc defences.

Y/n: killed any minion that made it into mid which wasn't many which led him to run around to right side to help secure the point before it fell and gave the enemy team a score and a step closer to winning. Though when he did arrive there he wasn't fast enough as the statue/tower fell and thus all the minions attention turned to y/n and swarmed him of course he made quick work of them but in the process use his abilities which were now on a cooldown leaving him vulnerable to attacks from the enemy team

as he was solo against two tanks as both of which were at half health but had maxed out and ready abilities.

Y/n: took notice of this and tried to retreat back to mid where most of the healers and support was at. In doing so it resulted in a fatal mistake in thinking as the only way to mid was past the tanks one of which dropped down several traps around y/n. Luckily for him he was able to destroy some of the traps and do 20-25 damage to the trapper based tank of course it wasn't enough. But it was enough damage and time for him to use his first special ability which was a stun lock of poison veins which did damage over time at a tick rate of 15.

The other tank had fired off 4 large rounds of ice towards y/n all of them missed him but that was that point as the shots broke into sharp shards of ice making it hard for y/n to dodge and keep an eye on the tank as it was pushing him further from his goal of getting to mid with the rest of his team who was currently down to 1 support and minions and turrets and one other assault teammate.

Y/n: leapt up to throw a chain scythe at a tree to swing him to the side and around which nearly worked if it wasn't for the fact the stun locked tank was no longer stunned and just shot down the tree aka the anchor point for the scythe as this dropped y/n right towards the tank as the tank activated his last ability which created a quake in the ground raising up the rocks and ground into spikes. "Shit shit" he quickly slashed at it which helped but not much as the debris still did high damage to him at 35 as it lowered his health down to basically zero as it was miraculously at a staggering 1 health.

The one support was now defeated leaving the tower open for attacks as it was at half health as it was the last thing y/n saw before dying from an orb of flame from one of the attackers/assault on the enemy team.

As this was the end of y/n for this universe his body and soul would soon be reincarnated to a new universe

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