Chapter 1

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Sasuke: (I finally come back to the village. I hope Naruto will

happy to see me again.)-He thought (Starts walking)

(30 minutes later)

Sakura: (Walks on the streets) Huh (Sees Sasuke) Hey, Sasuke-kun!

Sasuke: Huh (Sees Sakura) Oh, hi Sakura. (Walk towards Sakura)

Sakura: So, you finally come back. I'm happy to see you.

Sasuke: I'm also happy to see you.

Naruto: Let's go and meet with Naruto and Hinata. They will

happy to see you again.

Sasuke: Yeah, let's go.

(At a park)

Hinata: What are you talking about ?

Naruto: Yeah Hinata, I'm serious. I love you.

Hinata: Actually, I also love you.

Naruto: Then what are you thinking ? Let's do it.

Hinata: Yeah.

(They both kiss each other. But they didn't notice that 2 peoples are

watching them.)

Sakura: ( Claps her hands)

(Naruto and Hinata both surprised and see Sakura and Sasuke.)

Sakura: What a show.

Hinata: Sakura..

Naruto: Sasuke...(Sees tears come from Sasuke's eyes)

Sakura: If you guys like each other, why don't you guys tell us ?

You guys really made a good couple.

Hinata: I-I can explain.

Sakura: It's okay. You don't need to explain. It's all our fault. We

disturb you guys. (Tears come from her eyes)

Naruto: Sasuke, I-I can explain.(Walk towards Sasuke)

Sasuke: Don't come near to me!

Naruto: What...

Sakura: Sorry for disturb you guys. Let's go Sasuke. And Hinata...

Hinata: Y-Yes..

Sakura: ...We're done.

Hinata: What!

Sasuke : We're also done Naruto.

Naruto: No..No you can't do this. I love you.

Sasuke: If you really love me, then why did you kiss Hinata ? Isn't

she your best friend's girlfriend ?

Naruto: It's not like that how you think.

Sasuke: It's okay. Let's go Sakura.

Sakura: Mmm

(Both leaves)

Naruto: What did we just do ? Why did we do this ?

Hinata: They now hate us.(Starts crying)

Naruto: (Tears come from his eyes)

(With Sasuke and Sakura)

(Both sits on a bench)

Sakura: How did they do this with us? (Cries)

Sasuke: If today, I wasn't come back, I don't have to see this

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