Chapter 10

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(A few days after Shikamaru and Shoichi return)

Satoko: This is not fair mom! You said, you will spend time with

me today.

Sasuke: I'm sorry Satoko. But I can't.

Shikamaru: What's wrong?

Satoko: Yesterday mom said he will spend time with me today.

Sasuke: I already told you that I have a mission. Can you do

something Shikamaru?

Shikamaru: Then Satoko, leave your mother. I'm here with you.

Satoko: Meh..You are very boring. You always spend your times


Shikamaru: What a drag.

Sasuke: Now I have to go. Bye Satoko. I promise you I will come

back soon and spend a lot time with you. (Smiles awkwardly)

Satoko: No! (Cries and grabs Sasuke's cloke tightly)

Sasuke: Please, let mom go. (Tries to say in a soft voice)

Satoko: NO! (Grabs Sasuke's cloke more tightly)

Shikamaru: Satoko, let your mom go! (Tickling on Satoko's waist)

Satoko: Ahahaha! (Accidently leave Sasuke's cloke from her hands)

Shikamaru: Got you!

Satoko: Aaaa! No!

Sasuke: Thanks Shikamaru. Sorry Satoko. Bye. (Leaves)

Satoko: This is cheating! It's all your fault dad!

Shikamaru: What! It's all my fault now?!

Satoko: Yeah! I want to be with mom! AAAAAAA! (Cries)

Shikamaru: Ohhh! Shoichi, come here and play with your sister!

Shoichi: Yes dad! (Comes from another room)

(With Sasuke)

Sasuke: (I feel bad for Satoko. Because of this fucking mission, I

have to leave. Sorry Satoko.) - He thought.

(At the hokage office)

(With Naruto)

Naruto: (Sitting on his chair)

(He was doing his paper work suddenly someone knock at the door)

Naruto: Come in.

(The person comes inside and it was Hinata)

Naruto: Oh hey, Hinata! How are you?

Hinata: I'm fine. How are you?

Naruto: I'm also good. (Smiles brightly)

Hinata: You look very happy. Did something happened?

Naruto: No. I'm always like this. Why?

Hinata: No, actually you look more happy than usual.

Naruto: Oh, it's nothing.

(They are talking together then suddenly they heard another knock

at the door)

Naruto: Come in!

(The person comes inside and it was Sasuke)

Hinata: S-Sasuke...

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