Chapter 8

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(Many days later after Sasuke back from the Sand village)

Naruto: (Checking some academy papers) (Which team's is actually

Shoichi.)-He thought. Ahh... Here it is. (Checks the paper) (So he is

from team 7. In Konohamaru's team.)-He thought. Good. Now I can

send them on a mission.

(Then he calls an anbu and told him that tell Konohamaru to come

at his office)

(10 minutes later)

(Someone knocks at the door)

Naruto: Come in!

(The person comes to the room and it reveals Konohamaru)

Konohamaru: You call me?

Naruto : Yeah. Actually I have a mission for your team.

Konohamaru: What mission?

Naruto: There is something happened in the Flame village. 1 week

ago, there are many girls got disappeared. This things are still

happening. So I want that you and your team go there and found

the criminal who did this. Understand?

Konohamaru: I understand. Can I go now? So I can inform my


Naruto: Yeah, you can go. But you guys have to go there today


Konohamaru: Okay. Now I'm going. (Leaves)

Naruto: (Good, now his son have to go on a mission.)-He thought.


(At the downstairs)

(Konohamaru is walk towards the ground floor then he suddenly

meet with Shikamaru)

Shikamaru: Hey Konohamaru! How are you?

Konohamaru: I'm fine. What about you?

Shikamaru: I'm also good. Where are you coming from?

Konohamaru: I'm went from Naruto. He gives my team a mission.

Shikamaru: Oh.

Konohamaru: Oh yeah, tell Shoichi about the mission. We're going

on this mission today night.

Shikamaru: Okay. Bye.

Konohamaru: Bye. (Leaves)

Shikamaru: (Goes to Naruto's room)

Naruto: Oh, good time. Shikamaru can you go to the Sand village


Shikamaru: Why?

Naruto: Because Gaara is actually want to give me a scroll. It's a

very important scroll. Can you do this?

Shikamaru: Yeah, I can do this. But Sand village is very far away

from Konoha.

Naruto: Don't worry. You can stay there. I will talk with Gaara.

Shikamaru: Okay. Then I'm heading to the Sand village at evening.

Naruto: Okay. (Smiles)

(At 9:00 pm)

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