Chapter 3

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(Many days have been passed, Sasuke is still living with Sakura.

Kakashi is still trying to found a house for Sasuke. Sasuke, Sakura

and Shikamaru is hang out together and goes many places. Sasuke

and Shikamaru are friends now. But Shikamaru really loves Sasuke.

Sakura is also helping Shikamaru to get along with Sasuke.)

(One day)

Sakura: Ehh! Are you serious?! You are going to confess Sasuke?!

Shikamaru: Yeah. ( Blush a little)

Sakura: Good luck! I hope he will love you back. (Smiles brightly)

Shikamaru: Thanks. But...

Sakura: But what?

Shikamaru: I don't know what he like the most. What is his

favorite food. What is his favorite place.

Sakura: Oh come on! You hang out with us almost 10 times. And

you still don't know.

Shikamaru: I'm not like you.

Sakura: What do you mean?

Shikamaru: Just let it go. And tell me everything. What a drag.

Sakura: (Sigh) Okay. His favorite food is tomato. So if you give him

any food that made by tomato, he will like it. And his favorite

place is Konoha's biggest lake.

Shikamaru: Oh, that lake. Okay, I understand.

Sakura: Good that you understand. Now don't waste your time

and go ask Sasuke for hang out!

Shikamaru: Yeah, yeah. What a drag.

(After their conversation, Shikamaru goes there where is Sasuke.

Who is now sitting on a garden.)

Shikamaru: Hey Sasuke.

Sasuke: (Sees Shikamaru) Hey Shikamaru. Come, sit here.

Shikamaru: (Sits beside Sasuke)

Sasuke: So, what brings you here?

Shikamaru: Nothing. I just want to ask you if you would like to 

hang out with me. (Slighy blush while asking)

Sasuke: But why you want me to hang out with you? You have

more friends who are more friendly than me.

Shikamaru: Actually..(I can't tell him now that I actually love him.)-

He thought.

Actually they are very loud and I don't like it. But you are very

normal and quiet and I actually like it.

Sasuke: Oh, okay then. Let's go. (Close his eyes and smiles)

Shikamaru: (Blush and looks away. So Sasuke can't see his red face.)

Sasuke: Did Sakura is coming too?

Shikamaru: I ask her but she said she had a mission. So she can't

come. (Actually I ask her some advice.)

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