Chapter 4

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(3 months passed since Shikamaru confess Sasuke. Now they are

together. Sakura is also happy about this that Sasuke accept

Shikamaru. Now She decided to be alone. She doesn't need anyone.

She is happy being alone. But sometimes it hurts when she thinks

about Hinata. She still can't forgive Hinata. Same goes to Sasuke. He

also can't forgive Naruto.)

(One day)

Naruto: (Walk towards the Ramen shop)

Teauchi: Hey Naruto! How are you? I haven't seen you on a long

time. Did something happen?

Naruto: Nothing.

Teauchi: Okay. Do you want to eat your usual Ramen?

Naruto: Yes, please.

Teauchi: (Mmm..Something is wrong with him. He never says please

to me.)-He thought.

Naruto: (I don't want to eat anything. But if I don't, they will thought

something is wrong.)-He thought.

(10 minutes later)

Teauchi: Here is your Ramen Naruto! (Passed the bowl on the


Naruto: Thanks for the meal. ( Starts eating)

(After Naruto eat his Ramen, he pays the bill and then starts

walking on the streets.)

Naruto: (It feels so lonely. Like when I was a child. Everyone hates

me. That's because of Kurama. And now everybody loves me except

one person and that was Sasuke. Who I love the most. But I'm the

one who pushed him from my life.)-He thought. (Feels guilty for

what he did with Sasuke)

(Naruto was walking around a park. Then he heard 2 girls are

talking about him. They are say this in a low tone. But this is enough

for Naruto to hear.)

Girl 1: Did you heard that Naruto and Sasuke broke up?

Girl 2: Yeah, I heard. I also heard that Sakura and Hinata are also

broke up.

(Naruto was trying to hear their conversation from behind a tree.)

Naruto: (So now everybody knows about this.)-He thought. 

Girl 1: I feel bad for Sasuke and Sakura. Because I heard that

Naruto and Hinata is the one who is cheating on them.

Girl 2: You are right. But did you hear that 3 months ago what


Naruto: (What happened 3 months ago?)- He thought.

Girl 1: No, I don't know.

Girl 2: 3 months ago, that day when we celebrate the festival,

Shikamaru confess Sasuke.

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