Chapter 6

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(After Shikamaru and Sasuke got married, they had a son, name

Shoichi. Then 3 years later, Sasuke give birth of a girl, name Satoko.

They match their child's name with their first letter. Everyone is

happy except Naruto. He never get married. Same goes to Sakura

and Hinata.)

(After 12 years of Shikamaru and Sasuke's marriage)

Naruto: (Today, my dream is really going to come true. I'm going to

be the hokage. But, I'm not happy. Because Sasuke is not here with

me.)-He thought.

Kakashi: You ready Naruto?

Naruto: Yeah, I'm ready.

Kakashi: Then let's go.

(At the new hokage announcement)

Kakashi: Now, I'm going to announcement our new hokage...

Naruto Uzumaki.

(Everyone starts clapping their hands)

Naruto: (Gives a fake smile) (Everyone is so happy. But I'm not

happy. If Sasuke is just here with me, I can't explain how much I

would be happy.)-He thought.

(At the hokage office)

Kakashi: You finally become the hokage. Aren't you happy?

Naruto: Yeah, I'm really happy.

Kakashi: But you don't look happy. You look upset.

Naruto: Actually Kakashi...

Kakashi: It's been 12 years Naruto.

Naruto: B-but... (Can't stop himself and hugs Kakashi tightly and

cries very loudly) I just wanted to be with Sasuke! I only want him!

I would rather be with him than become the hokage.

Kakashi: (Hugs back) I can understand how you are feeling right

now. But you have to change your mind. He is married now. He

even had kids.

Naruto: I know. But I still have feelings for him. I can't change my

mind. (Still crying)

Kakashi: (Sigh) Now stop crying. It's your first day. You must be


Naruto: (Breaks the hug) I know. (Wipes his tears) But I feel very...

You have no idea how was I feel right now.

Kakashi: I know. Cheer yourself. You have to forgot him.

You always can't be like this. Now go and fresh yourself.

(30 minutes later)

Kakashi: You feel good now?

Naruto: Yeah.

Kakashi: Okay, now I have to go.

Naruto: Wait, I have a question.

Kakashi: What is it?

Naruto: Who is going to be my advisor?

Kakashi: Actually...Don't be angry, okay?

Naruto: Okay?

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