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A Girl not older than 16 was skipping through the road , just to get some snacks which she was craving really badly.just as she was hoping she'd also get some soft drink just to chill and read some novels, a truck zoomed past her like it had to pay its rent the said second.she was so shocked and surprised,she exclaimed "*huff* not today truck -kun!well I really hoped you'd hit me but just do not stop me from eating my chips and just relaxing.you can just crush me after I eat my chips though-"
someone cut her off.
" Well ,would you look at that!you really are like......her ".

" Who you talking to bro?"she replied back. As she got a good look at the person. He had grey hair,tied  in a ponytail .he wore grey hoodie with black sweat pants and a pair of sneakers. He looked hot,but she probably realised that it was really weird that she;a 16 year old girl was thinking that about ....possibly an adult..?.whatever,as long as she doesnt interact with him and he doesn't  talk with her as well."oh?am I hot~?"

She was shocked and scared.right now,the best option would be to run away from him,so she did just that."i'm sorry but my mom wants me home right now so I need to go."and without waiting for a reply,she made a bee line to the opposite direction, towards the crowd.for a little safety,if he is behind her .
After sometime,she hesitently glanced behind her,only to find no one. A sigh escaped her mouth.but just for extra measures,she texted her mom her location and called her.

She was at an alley.not too crowded but not empty with people either.she was scared.what do you do in these situations ?  She should've avoided talking to a stranger in the first place. but she was stupid.... She thought that the stranger was mocking her .so she replied thinking that he would stop and just go about his day.but how did he know what she thought about him? .maybe he just guessed it?or was she just that readable?.well,she has to stop thinking about it now or else she would never stop thinking about this experience. just as she was thinking of scenarios, the other line of the phone answered.

"hey what happened sweetheart?are you okay?why did you text me your location?where-"

"Nothing mom.I will tell you later but can you please pick me up?I just dont feel uncomfortable. And please just dont hang up on me." You spoke in a soft tone.what if the stranger was here and he heard you ?you just lied to him that your mother wanted you to come home . what if he finds out?

Now,why did she not just text her mother or friends what happened to her?well ,one of the reasons was that ,what if her mother did not read the text ?and she didn't want to bother her friends, thinking her friends will see her as someone who  just wanted some attention.she just wanted some company,so she called her mother.and another reason was that,what if the stranger notices that you are texting and just straight up comes to you?if you would be in a call ,he would not interrupt and not create a scene because you can scream or tell the other person in the line,about what is happening.

Well ,her survival skills sucked .

Before she got a chance to talk with her mother,a hand got hold on her phone by Snatching it and breaking it by smashing it against the wall.she almost managed to scream but another hand shut her mouth. she thrashed against the people.she noticed a total of 4 people . they were taking her somewhere. As they walked right into an alley where nobody was there .she was scared,what were they going to do to her ?.
just as she lost her hope and will to live any longer.a leg made contact with the back of the guy who was shutting her mouth . she managed  to breath again.tears stung her eyes.but she wanted to thank whoever saved her.
and thats when it all came crashing down as she stared at her saviour .

"Honestly...I just lost you for like what?20 seconds and this is what I see when I found you again?"

Standing just infront of her,was the stranger  she was suspicious about.
But she had to atleast thank him because he saved her , right ?
"Thank you...for saving me." She spoke in between the breaths she was taking.
"oh its okay darling !nothing to worry about!~"
She was honestly weirded out by...his way of speaking but who was she to judge ?.
"Sweetheart ?can you close your eyes for a moment ?"
She was suspicious again but she did as she was told.probably because her mind wasn't in the right state right now.
"Oh and close your ears too."
She wanted to refuse and reply with a "who are you to order me?I will do whatever I want with my body. " but he was saving her from some thugs and she couldn't just refuse.

After like 10 minutes .he said that she could open her eyes and ears.she wanted to see what had happened after she closed her eyes but the stranger's structure blocked her view.

"Now just turn around and go."
She turned around and was ready to sprint but a hand on her shoulder stopped her from doing so.
"What?" She asked
"Let me come with you to find where your mother is.I will tell her what happened. Your parent needs to know.and she must be worried that you are not in that alleyway where your mother is parked ,right ?"
"Ah yes,thank you again."
and as the two of them guietly walked side by side,the girl ,otherwise known as y/n, began to think.

I feel like something is wrong.what is this eerie feeling that is creeping me out ? ....wait what did he say when he came to save me?.....wait...oh no....no..no.no,no,no,no,NO- HOW DID HE KNOW THAT MY MOTHER IS PARKED AT THAT ALLEYWAY!?

As you turned to see the stranger,who was behind you,you saw a flash of grey and-


"She dirtied my baton....oh well, I have to do what I came here to do~"
A man who looked like he was in his early twenties,stood above a girl who was on the ground, red was seen on and around her head and her eyes were shut closed.

Somewhere -

Voice was heard from a broken device which was just beside a dirty wall. The voice eco's in the quiet alley.faint traces of a womens voice was heard.
"Hello-s-sweetheart?-:-where are y-you? I am-=+=at the alle|=°y way?hel-"
to be continued.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘 : Various X Reader Where stories live. Discover now