Chapter 1: Journey to the destiny

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A brilliant white light enveloped everything, an expansive ocean of radiance where visibility was a challenge, and corporeal existence seemed to dissipate.

The transportation to the new world of kings and magicians completed successfully; The door of the portal will open soon to land.

A circular aperture appears in the footpath in the heart of the jungle and two handsome guys come out of the portal. "Time to conceal the aura, big bro" says the first guy. Other guy replies "I am ready, do it".

"Eliminate Magic detection in 100 Meters radius", commanded the first guy and a shield appeared around 100 meters radius. He unleashes a huge energy onto the second guy, which drains the aura out of him until his aura resembles that of a normal person, causing him to faint immediately.

I am Arya Harushima. I came here from another world to fulfill my destiny with my big brother and loyal companion Satoshi Harushima. To accomplish our mission, we have to hide our aura from others in this world. Since Satoshi won't give up on coming with me, we had a condition. He would completely surrender his magic power and past memory in this world until the right time arrived, to avoid any mistakes out of emotion. He is stronger than most in this world so even without the magic it should not be a problem to handle any unwanted situation. Now it's time for me to conceal my own Aura before the shield vanishes.

Hundreds of miles away, Maitorin, the Royal court priest and representation of holy order to the kingdom, senses something unusual in nature. "Did he come? Or was it just my mind?" Maitorin whispers while sitting at his desk. He is walking to the bedroom of king Nandoka.

Royal priest of the court, Maitorin, is one of the loyalists and ministers of the king. He lives in the place of the king in a very luxurious room beside his office. Royal guards of the place bow down to him as he progresses towards the bedroom of the king. One of the elite royal guards, also a personal bodyguard of the king, bows down to the priest and proceeds to inform the king about the arrival.

In the jungle Arya sprays water on Satoshi to wake him up. "Now wake up, Big bro, I know you will forget all your past memories once you wake up and it will be difficult for you, but this is necessary for all of us."

Satoshi wakes up and looks all around him with confusion. "Where am i? What happened to me?", says Satoshi.

"Big bro, you slept so long that you can't even remember anything now? Did you at least remember your dear younger brother ? That is me, Arya Harushima" says Arya.

"I must admit, I cannot remember anything, and this guy has been blabbering for almost 45 minutes now. What I understand from his long blabbering is that, in short, this guy who calls himself Arya Harushima told me that I am his elder brother and my name is Satoshi. We came from a distinct village for a better life and our destination is the capital of this kingdom and he believes that his destiny is waiting for him in the capital."  thinks Satoshi. 

Meanwhile in the place, Nandoka inquires without any visible expression on his face, "Is there anything urgent? What is the reason for a sudden meeting during my resting time?"

King Nandoka believes that a good ruler should never show his emotion on his expression. The art of hiding emotion is necessary to be unpredictable.

"Oh, my king, forgive me for disrupting your rest, but I have a compelling reason. I sense a great danger for humanity, a sudden change in nature.".

"Are you hinting at what I'm thinking?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Rising the demon king! That's not good news for My kingdom, in fact not good for most of the kingdom as well."

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