Chapter 7: Smoke And Shadows

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"Damn it, I chose the easiest job in the guild, and it should have been completed without any hassle. My partners did their best; now I have to do it to pay off my home loan," Kaitoshan whispers, preparing to use his basic magic.

"Earth Magic: Stone Pelting!" he shouts, pointing his hand upwards. A small magic circle appears above the ants, but the pebbles it conjures are too small to harm them.

"Okay, let's try water magic!" He shouts again, but the water merely splashes harmlessly. Fire and wind magic fare no better.

"Worthless, I'm worthless. I know I'm not as qualified as my dad and brothers. I don't even have much control over wealth as the son of a maid. I can't afford to get involved in internal politics as a successor. Even my mom asked me to leave her house and earn my own way. But these people agreed to work under my leadership with full trust. They believed in me. I have to save them! I gotta save them!" Kaitoshan screams.

"I still have the demon summoning spell hidden up my sleeve. I can save everyone once I chant the spell," he says, looking determined.

"Boss, do not self-sacrifice for us," says Ignatius.

"Don't worry, I have another plan," says Kaitoshan.

"You monster, do not even think to sacrifice us," screams Lily, starting to cry.

"Huh? Where is this coming from? I was about to sacrifice the leftover apple from the morning," says Kaitoshan.

"No demon will show up for that," says Lily, bursting into laughter.

"Okay, fine. Probably the world will never accept me again. I probably won't be an adventurer anymore. But I will trade my soul after my death in exchange for power from a demon to save my comrades," says Kaitoshan, the leader of the party.

"Boss, no, do not do it!" screams Ignatius.

"Just let him do it; let him be useful for once," says Lily.

"I will never abandon you, even after you trade with a demon. No matter what society does," Lily thinks to herself.

"Um, what was the demon summoning spell again? I never used it since it's forbidden. But it's written on paper. I just need to find it in my bag," says Kaitoshan, rummaging through his bag.

After a few moments, "Excuse me? Did you guys see green paper?" asks Kaitoshan.

"Did you just say green?" says Ignatius, looking scared.

"Yep. Is it with you? You're the real lifesaver," says Kaitoshan with a smile.

"I burned it a few days ago while training, but it was Lily's fault. I asked her to bring something unimportant to burn," says Ignatius, panicking.

"Lily! You again, dumb girl. Learn something from Yurina; she never messes up anything except herself after a single punch," screams Kaitoshan.

"But it wasn't my fault. It was with the useless papers. It must be Yurina who placed it there," cries Lily.

"Now I remember giving Yurina the paper to keep it safe. Yurina, I will take care of you if we survive," screams Kaitoshan in frustration.

The trees, burning due to Ignatius's poor aim, fall on the road and block the ants from advancing.

"See, this was my plan from the beginning. Now we are saved," says Ignatius.

"Don't lie. Now who will clear the path in the middle of the forest? They won't pay us for this task either," says Lily.

"It's okay. You guys are safe. Don't worry about my home loan," says Kaitoshan with relief.

"But I was talking about the new dress in the market that I want to buy," explains Lily, disappointed.

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