Chapter 10: Whispers of the Ancients

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The sky becomes pink as the sun rises, forming a red ball of fire. The first ray of light falls on the mountain peak, dispelling the darkness of the night. The mountain appears golden, signifying new hope with the arrival of a new day. This is an eternal process.

Takagaru, the majestic king of birds, is in a deep meditative state on the peak of the mountain. The sun's rays fall on him like a blessing from celestial beings. In his deep meditation, he is one with the universe, united with all creation; he finds himself in the middle of an ocean of white light. Ancient sages, who once roamed the material world, appear before him; one sage among them is his own father, who now resides on a higher plane. In deep meditation, his consciousness is in the world of the ancestors now.

Seeing himself in the world of the ancestors, Takagaru bows down to the ancient sages.

"I, Takagaru, eternal devotee of my lord Arya Harushima, bow down to the ancient sages who teach righteousness and virtues. What is your order for me? Why has my spiritual body been brought here? Please guide this ignorant one," inquires Takagaru.

In his vision, the ancient sages do not speak directly, but a multitude of voices echo from all directions.

"Oh, king of birds, listen carefully. We, the ancestors of humanity, the race of demons and gods, nagas, birds, and animals, entrust you with the mission of stopping Maitorin, who seeks to monopolize the blessing of goddess Laime for one race. This would be an injustice to others. As a loyal devotee of Arya, you will do anything for your lord, so we have decided to give you this task. If Maitorin succeeds in his mission, he will discover Arya's identity. It is not yet time for Arya to reveal himself. If Arya's identity is revealed to Maitorin, he will do anything to prevent Arya from meeting the goddess. Goddess Laime is currently hidden. To prevent Maitorin, find the crystal ball that detects hidden mana to locate a special person and destroy it. It is hidden in the main community hall of the Assembly of the Lord's Kingdom," says the voice.

The ancient sages begin to disappear, and the voice echoes: "Destroy it, destroy it, destroy it."

As the sun rises high in the sky, casting long shadows in the valleys, Takagaru slowly opens his eyes. The meditative trance fades away, leaving him with a new purpose and strength. Takagaru unfolds his massive wings and takes flight. He circles around the mountain a few times, his cry echoing throughout the land. He is ready to embark on his mission.

Takagaru flies at full speed to his destination; Maitorin is also traveling towards the same place. Their intentions differ vastly: one seeks to destroy, the other to prepare for an uncertain future. The outcome hinges on who reaches the destination first. Takagaru, now 300 miles away, estimates it will take him nearly an hour to arrive. His eagle eyes can already see the top of the community hall from his current location. There is no sign of Maitorin yet.

Away from all this, the capital city of Litua is highly prosperous, boasting well-planned houses, bustling markets, praying halls, and a university for nobles. It hosts one of the biggest markets in this part of the world, attracting lots of international businessmen. Nobles from all around come here for higher studies. The port of Litua is a major hub for imports and exports, fueling its thriving economy. Security is tight in this bustling area, which offers a wide array of goods, including jewelry, weapons, magic stones, magical weapons, various food items, and garments.

Arya, seeking answers to some of his questions, decides to begin his investigation in the market. He thought it would be easier to gather information from a small seller rather than from a large shop. He approaches a nearby fruit stand.

"Hello, I am here from a distant land, looking for the best fruits from this region. Can you help me find the unique fruits grown here?" Arya inquires.

"He must be some foreign trader. If he likes my fruits, he might buy a lot for exporting to his country," thinks the seller.

"We have the best apples in this region. You can't find any better than these. We also have top-quality pears, cherries, and strawberries," replies the seller.

"Okay, keep this gold coin as an advance and give me a sample of every fruit you mentioned. I will be back in five days for the delivery," says Arya, acting like an experienced businessman to gain the seller's trust.

The seller becomes elated, sensing a big order that might lead to even greater opportunities in the future. As an experienced seller, he decides to give Arya special treatment. Seeing his plan unfold well, Arya decides it's time to ask his real question.

"This city is very prosperous, and everyone seems happier. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables, and the trade is rich. How do things work here?" asks Arya.

"It wasn't always like this. We had our share of monster attacks and battles. Our king fought throughout his youth as a crown prince. But after he ascended to the throne, things began to change. It's been more than a decade and a half since we last had a drought," says the seller.

"It's all because of the mercy of the holy lord. Since the kingdom banned the worship of ancient gods, prosperity followed," says a passerby.

"I see. Okay, I will be back in five days. My assistant will send you a list of fruits I want to purchase and the quantities," says Arya, who leaves to avoid the gathering of crowds and suspicion.

He leaves with a sense of disappointment, realizing that gathering information might be harder than he initially thought. If only he could use his powers, he could solve the problem easily. But he knows that he can not do it this time. Without the knowledge of Arya, a scary-looking man with a wild beard starts following him. The man is known locally as a madman who became unstable after losing his entire family in a fire.

"Looking for goddess Laime?" A sudden voice came to Arya's ear. He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face the man. Hearing the name here was unexpected. For a moment, Arya doubted the man, wondering how much he could trust him. However, he decided to listen.

"Follow me to an empty place and tell me everything you know," Arya said directly, looking into the man's eyes.

"Will you give me food if I tell you?" the man asked, laughing.

Arya wondered if the man actually had any valuable information. The man's appearance suggested madness. Arya was restricted from using direct magic to find goddess Laime, but he could use it to cure the man, potentially getting him to share whatever he knew, even if it might not be helpful. Arya decided to buy him some food and then take him to an empty place to question him privately.

"Okay, I will buy you some food, and then you follow me," Arya said with a smile, heading to a nearby shop. The shopkeeper warned Arya about the man, explaining that he often pulled this trick on newcomers and advising him not to fall into his trap.

"It's okay; I can help someone with a meal," Arya said to the shopkeeper with his characteristic smile.

They left the city, food in hand, and found a quiet spot on the outskirts. Once there, Arya prepared to question the man further.

Meanwhile, as Takagaru enters the region of the Assembly of the Lord's Kingdom, the environment shifts dramatically. The area is imbued with a vast amount of energy and mana. The city is filled with big and tall houses and numerous prayer rooms. The presence of a dark and powerful mana is overwhelming for an ancient creature like Takagaru. The city itself is an island in the middle of the ocean, 20 miles away from the mainland. At the center of the island stands the community hall of the Lord, revered in this world. Surrounding it are many smaller rooms for other spiritual leaders, foreigners, and diplomats from various countries. This entire area is protected by a private army, making it impenetrable for humans.

As Takagaru flies further, he senses a shield designed to protect the airspace from any unknown threats. It appears to have been created by someone with great knowledge and foresight. To continue his journey, Takagaru needs to destroy this shield. With his mana eyes, he sees the shield in its physical form, created by air elements and green in color. He pecks at the shield with his beak and heats its surface with the fire element. Soon, cracks appear, and within moments, the shield lifts.

Just as Takagaru prepares to resume his journey to the island, a huge eastern dragon with a serpentine body and four short legs suddenly emerges from the ocean and stands before him.

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