(Rewrite) Chapter 7: Traumatic Events

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I wake up in the crystal cave, the area I was told not to go into, as I don't have a high enough clearance. 'Oh no..no no no..' I think to myself, my heartbeat increasing. Nobody is around. Just me and the crystals. I grow paranoid every second that passes. The lights are still red, telling me I'm still in a Poweroutage. It doesn't seem like much time passed by while I was out.

I scramble to my feet, getting off of the cold cave ground. Suddenly, I hear someone stepping behind me. I swiftly turn around to see the manic from before, that was in the horde. I back up with haste, trying to find a weapon, as I notice Kai's baton he gave to me is no longer with me.

The manic leaps onto me, attempting to bite my arm. I try kicking it off of me, but fail. A loud shot echoes in the cave as the manic collapses onto me, dead. I push the manic off of me, looking at who fired the shot. And of course, it was Dr. L. He holds his colt python, aimed at me with the barrel smoking. "Holy sh...please aim the gun away from me.." I say.

"Are you injured? Or infected?" Dr. L asks, the colt python still pointed at me. "..no..I don't think so..." I reply. "Did any of the goo touch you?" Dr. L asks. "..I don't know! I passed out! I don't know what that manic did to me while I was out!" I exclaim. "Well..it doesn't LOOK like there is any goo on you..let's head to the breach shelter. Kai is perfectly fine, he's inside the shelter." Dr. L says. "..oh- Uh- Okay..." I say. 'God I want this to end...'

I get off of the floor with a grunt, pondering what just happened. "..how..long was I out?" I ask. "I dunno..I'm not keeping track of time, I'm just focusing on making sure you get out in one piece." Dr. L replies. "..okay." I say, as we make our way further into the crystal cave. Suddenly, I am met with a large blast door and a facial scanner. Dr. L scans, and the blast door slowly opens with a whirring sound.

"Woah.." I say, as the blast doors fully open, revealing a massive break room, much like the 'safezone'. There are tables, couches, and TVs everywhere. As the gate opens, everyone inside suddenly looks at us. "Haha, don't mind us." Dr. L says. As soon as he says that, everyone goes back to what they were doing. I see guards and scientists alike, talking with each other. Dr. L scans his ID card on the reader inside of the breach shelter, the gate closing with the same whirring noise.

Someone waves to us from the crowd of people.scattered around. It's Kai. "Hey! I'm glad to see Jake is alright!" Kai says. "Yes, he's perfectly fine. I think." Dr. L says back to Kai. I walk forward into the breach shelter, noticing a few people playing pool. The voices around me become louder, as my ears ring. I swallow, hoping for it to go away. However, it doesn't.

I begin to stop seeing colors, as my ears still ring, becoming louder and louder. Suddenly, it all fades to black, as I hear the voices around me slowly stop.


I slowly wake up. People surround my vision, as a familiar voice chimes up. "He's waking up!" The voice says. My vision steadily returns as I open my eyes. "..wh...what..h-happened.." I ask. "You passed out. I'm not sure why or how, but you did." Dr. L replies. The crowd of people around me begins to deform.

I notice my ears stop ringing, but they do hurt slightly. I swallow once again, hoping to stop the pain. But to no avail...

"..damn. I hope you're alright." Kai says. Dr. L reaches his hand out to me, gesturing me to take it. I grab his hand as he helps pull me up. "Alright..just sit down somewhere...ah yes! A free couch!" Dr. L says with glee, as he walks over to the couch. I follow behind him, and fall backwards onto the couch, sitting up.

"..this is..comfier than I expected." I say. Kai sits down next to me. "You're telling me." Kai says. Dr. L hops into the middle of the couch, and wraps his arms around me and Kai. 'Now, I'm uncomfortable.' I think to myself, sighing mentally.

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