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"The Pearls Resort." Lani read the large beige sign as we drove past the massive clean white gates."Holy fucken shit." He couldn't contain his excitement as he looked through the window. "This baby is hiding out in style. Damn, is that a water park?"

"Is he always like this?" Nkosi asked, peering at the resort through his black sunglasses.

"You can always count on Lani to bring lots of energy." I said with a chuckle and pulled up to the security booth at the entrance. "I'm looking for the waterfront villas." The security informed us of the right direction.

"Let's aim to finish this in under forty minutes, gentlemen," I instructed my the younger brothers. "I'd like to get back home in time for dinner."

"Stay focused, boy." Nkosi exchanged a handshake with his younger brother. He focused his attention on my brothers now. "Look out for each other, yeah?"

Nkosi and I carefully scoped out the surroundings before we enjoyed a quick blunt outside while we waited for the young ones to complete the mission. The area was clear of any families, it was mostly empty. The striking, deep blue waves and the overall ambiance made it evident that this spot would be ideal for a resort. Nkosi leaned against the bumper of the car as I leaned my back on the brick wall.

"So, does my sister know what you've been doing while away?" Nkosi jumped straight to the point. He was never the type to mince his words, always straight to the point, just like his sister.

I laughed as I passed him the blunt. I shook my head and exhaled the harsh smoke. "Nah. She doesn't know a thing."

He shook his head in understanding. Nkosi and I weren't friends and I don't think you could ever be friends with your girlfriend's brother, but we had a respectable relationship. "When are you planning on telling her?" He flicked off the excess ash. "You know, stories spread quickly in our world."

"True," I shook my head, "and Zuri won't know how to keep her mouth shut once she finds out." He passed me the joint and I took another big pull before tossing it in the garbage can close by.

Nkosi patted my shoulder. "It'll be all good, bruh. Just don't let her hear this shit from someone else. You've been gone for a while, let her know what you've been up to."

After some time, the trio returned with an unfamiliar figure in the middle of them. "Looks like we got our target." I opened the driver's door. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

"These hidden gems always have shitty network." Nkosi picked up his phone and held it closer to the sky before climbing into the passenger seat. "Baby? Can you hear me? What?"

I started the car and pulled into gear, getting ready to get back to my woman. I missed her more than usual today. "We all good?" I asked my two brothers as they jumped into the backseat with the mysterious guest of honour.

"Christ, there's more of you?" Layla slumped into her seat as she rolled her eyes.

"Where I come from, we greet," Nkosi spoke. "It's just good manners."

"Well, you can fuck off with your good manners." She huffed and opened her mouth to speak again. "It'-"

Lani's loud whistle at her quick fiery comeback cut her off and the rest of us laughed. She was feisty, just like the four women waiting for her back at the penthouse. This was going to be an interesting encounter.

The clinking of her handcuffs caught my attention. "You niggas cuffed her?" I looked at my brother through the rearview mirror.

"Was that really necessary?" Nkosi asked as I drove out of the resort.

"Look at Obi's face and tell me it wasn't necessary," Kai spoke and lit up a cigarette. I focused my attention on my youngest brother, who was now wearing shades. He focused his attention on the scenery outside, rather than on the conversation inside the car.

"I don't want to talk about it," Obi said and placed his headphones on. His face looked bruised and had a slight red hue that was barely visible against his dark brown skin. I stifled my laugh and focused my attention on the road. This was going to be a tense one hour car drive to the landing strip.

As everyone settled onto the plane, Nkosi spoke to Lani, "Uncuff her."

Lani raised one eyebrow to confirm, and when Nkosi took his seat in the front row of the plane, he set her free. "Drinks are up front, there's a smoking room in the back. Uhm...make yourself comfortable, I guess. Our usual spot is towards the back, the safest place on the plane... and the smoke room.

Layla nodded her head once and headed straight to the bar.

Lani sighed loudly "We fucked that up, didn't we? Alora's going to be mad."

I shook my head and took my usual seat in the third row from the back. "No one laid a finger on Layla, right?" I eyed him, pausing mid air before I placed my headphones on my ears.

"Of course not. She just got mad aggressive when we arrived. Hence, Obi's face." He waved his hand towards the back of the plane where Obi was sitting in the smoke room.

"Everything's fine. Lani. Relax." I placed my headphones on my ears, dismissing his dramatics. He could go on for hours if you let him.

The usual short two-hour flight felt longer than usual. When we finally landed back in the South, I sped down the highway and headed straight for the penthouse. This trip took longer than expected and I didn't want to waste another second. 

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