After finding a book that belonged to your great Grandmother you got cut and a piece of blood split on it.The book awakened and nearly killed you.But before it could deliver the final blow something awakened from the depths of hell....that would cha...
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Angel:Fuck it let's do it!!
She said taking one of the many shots Pentious bought.
*With you*
Adam:Heavenly people what more do you need to see?The porn star chose a night of debauchery!That's not a soul worthy of getting into heaven!TAKE THAT!!
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Charlie:OBJECTION!!Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?!
Adam:Ummm we don't have hard days?It's fucking Heaven bitch!You seriously going to sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?
Y/n:You privilege piece of shit!!
You said grabbing your guns.
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