Translator's Foreword

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Looking at recent works in the Muslim world written on marriage and relationships, it seems that there is a tendency to focus on the role of women in making a marriage successful, while ignoring the responsibilities of their male counterparts.

Whilst reading and translating this work, it was refreshing to see how the author ventured to sound a slightly different note, by reminding men, in his most gentle and kind approach, that we have the example of the best husband in our Prophet (peace be upon him), and the men of our societies have a lot to learn from his eminent example. Yet, he does not place the entire responsibility of achieving marital bliss on the mane alone; he keeps reminding women, through examples of the Prophet's wives (may Allah send abundant blessings and peace upon them), of how they should also behave, in order to maintain peace and happiness within the home.

in this translation, my approach remained semantic, in the sense that i have tried to convey meanings of the original arabic text, as best as i could, without compromising the readability and coherence required for an English text. Since this is essentially a book of seerah, as it is about the life of the prophet peace be upon him with a focus on its domestic aspect, there are numerous hadiths quoted.

i pray to Allah to help us learn from the best mentor of all, the prophet peace be upon him, and improve ourselves as muslims. may this book help to return to our families and societies the love, congeniality, and good manners that Allah created us with, and that islam nurtures within us.

finally, i would like to say that this translation is a humble effort on my part, and whatever i have done well is by the grace of Allah. may Allah accept the efforts of all those who contributed to the production of this book, and all praises are for Allah alone , the Lord of all Worlds.

Najwa Jaffer

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

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