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Several days had passed since Yuji's mention of the impending party, and the confirmation of your invitation was secured through his direct persistence to Gojo. Now, on the eve of the event, you and Nobara found yourselves amidst the commotion of your apartment, surrounded by piles of scattered clothes, as you attempted to select the perfect outfits.

"Why do you have these?" Nobara questioned wearily, lifting a piece of clothing to your face.

You snatched the item, pushing it back into the closet with a nonchalant shrug. "It was an impulsive buy..."

Amidst the wardrobe chaos, laughter filled the air as Nobara shook her head. "Impulsive buys are dangerous, especially when we're scrambling to find the perfect outfit. Can't believe we're stressing over this."

Joining in the laughter, you acknowledged the absurdity of the situation. "True, true. But you know how Gojo is about parties – he expects everyone to be on their A-game, even with their fashion choices."

The girl sighed, "I guess we'll have to keep looking to meet those 'expectations'."

With a determined glint in your eyes, the search for the ideal attire continued. Laughter and exclamations resonated through the apartment as various clothing options were pulled out, and the pros and cons of each were debated.

"Oh! What about that lucky dress you wore weeks ago at the club?" Nobara exclaimed.

You scrunched up your face, "The red one?"

"Mhm, the one you got lucky with that handsome guy," She smirked, tilting her head, "What was even his name? I was too gone to even know how he looked; Maki kept taking care of me."

You sighed, dropping the rejected pile back into your dresser, "Well, I was a bit buzzed, and the club was too loud to hear him, but I think it started with a K? Uh, maybe Kai? Who knows."

"You don't even remember the name of the guy you slept with?!" Nobara's jaw dropped at the revelation.

"It was a while ago and a long night, I was buzzed!" You defended, grumbling at the realization that you forgot to ask for the man's information before he left.

"Mhm, a long steamy night indeed," Nobara voiced with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

You grabbed a pillow off your bed, hurling it across the room to hit your friend's head with a heated face, confirming her suggestive comment.

"Shut up!"

Almost two weeks prior, a decision was made among the girls to embrace a carefree weekend at the club and to get you to get to know someone

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Almost two weeks prior, a decision was made among the girls to embrace a carefree weekend at the club and to get you to get to know someone. Shots were taken to induce a bit of a buzz between you and Maki, yet the youngest in the group went wild with the free drinks that kept arriving from random strangers.

No complaints from your group, just keep them coming.

"Aren't we such lucky ladies, huh?" Nobara shouted in the loud club, tipping her head back to finish the strong liquor. Maki chuckled, sweat glistening from the extensive dancing they had indulged in. "You sure you mean all of us? 'Cause all the free drinks are gone because of you."

𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐄  𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘰Where stories live. Discover now