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The next day had passed since the celebration party for Hallow Domain as you got to meet the whole band with your friends, thinking that everything would have been great. Yet it was the total opposite of what you had predicted, way far from your results.

After confronting Choso about the situation and agreeing to pretend that it never happened for Yuji and the sake of your friendship, he dared to admit that he never regretted that night, even after knowing it was you. That confession alone made your mind tumble on what you were truly feeling about hooking up with your best friend's brother.

"I didn't regret that night at all and still don't."

Why did he have to say that?

You don't remember most of the night after that conversation and just woke up in your bed in your pajamas with a slight headache, not knowing how you got there. You panicked and called Yuji immediately, asking him what exactly happened last night.

"Well, after you returned from the bathroom you said you were feeling better and started to drink a bit more. I did try to stop you but you were persistent to drink away. Then you tried to jump on top of the tables with Nobara until Megumi and I stopped you both!" Yuji recalls, laughing slightly as he heard you groan over the phone.

"Please tell me I didn't..." You whined, holding your aching head as your eyes clamped shut to try to reduce the pain.

Yuji sighed, aware that he was probably shaking his head at you over the phone. "Oh, but you did, my dear friend."

You sighed, laying back down on your bed before shoving a pillow against your face, wanting the world to shove you into a black hole forever.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything crazy! I made sure you wouldn't. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes to everyone and took you home." Your friend reassures, knowing that you were probably embarrassed for doing too much the night prior.

"Who dressed me?" You asked, voice muffled behind the pillow with the phone lying beside.

"Maki did since, you know, she's a girl and was sober too. We left you some water and made sure you were safe before leaving," Yuji states, yawning tiredly. You could hear him shuffling around in his bed, probably just woke up around the same time as you did.

Sighing, you ran a hand through your untamed hair, "I'm sorry if I made things difficult for you guys, don't know what came over me." Oh, but you did know why you probably acted out.

"I didn't say anything... you know, uh, weird?" You asked nervously. You desperately hoped that your drunken self had the strength to not mention or even hint about what happened with Choso.

"Hmm, I don't think so. Got any dirty secrets you keeping from me?" Yuji chuckled, not being able to witness your dreaded face at how true his joke was. You felt like your heart dropped until you forced out a chuckle to make sure he didn't become too suspicious of your behavior.

"N-no, just wanted to make sure!"

After that call with Yuji, you hadn't seen him bring up that incident during the day, rather asking you how you felt about meeting his brother over text

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After that call with Yuji, you hadn't seen him bring up that incident during the day, rather asking you how you felt about meeting his brother over text. You kept it short and simple for him; 'He's nice and seems pretty chill', that was all you could say about him before your guilty conscience could slip out the truth in front of him.

The weekend was over and it was now Monday, two days had passed with a peculiar tension hanging in the air, a weight you couldn't quite shake off. Every time you were around Yuji, you found yourself second-guessing your words and actions, afraid that he might pick up on something you weren't ready to confront.

As for Choso, you tried your best to keep your distance, avoiding any situation that might lead to another awkward encounter whenever you came by Yuji's home. Luckily, he wasn't home whenever you came by during the rest of the weekend. But despite your efforts, his confession lingered in the back of your mind, like an uninvited guest refusing to leave... though, for some odd feeling, you didn't want him to leave either.

After classes were finished for the day, it wasn't until you were in the library studying with Yuji that things took an unexpected turn. You were sitting at the desk, absentmindedly tapping your foot on the floor with books surrounding you, when he suddenly brought up the topic you had been desperately trying to avoid.

"So, I've been thinking," Yuji started, his voice slightly hesitant. "About what you said a few days ago."

Your heart skipped a beat, panic rising in your chest. You prayed he wouldn't delve deeper into the subject, but fate seemed to have other plans.

"I can't shake this feeling that there's something off," Yuji continued, his gaze fixed on you, searching for any sign of hesitation.

You swallowed hard, trying to come up with a convincing response, "I—I don't know what you're talking about, Yuji. There's nothing wrong."

But even as the words left your lips, you knew they sounded hollow, even to your ears.

Yuji's expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding.

"I trust you, you know that, right?" He said gently, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "But if something is bothering you, you can always talk to me about it. I'm here for you, no matter what. You're my best friend, always."

You felt a lump form in your throat, overwhelmed by his kindness and sincerity. How could you betray his trust like this? You forced a smile to appear, nodding in response.

"Thanks, Yuji. You're mine too, always."

But deep down, some secrets were too heavy to bear alone, knowing that it was pushing you down into the dark endless rabbit hole with no way out.

But deep down, some secrets were too heavy to bear alone, knowing that it was pushing you down into the dark endless rabbit hole with no way out

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note: finished my exams! short chapter but the next one will makeup for it <3

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