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The night of Hallow Domain's celebratory party had finally arrived, and the air was thick with anticipation. Cloaked in your lucky dress, you carefully stepped out of Megumi's car, navigating the treacherous terrain in heels. Megumi, having graciously assumed the role of designated driver for the night, watched as the rest of the group spilled out of the small car – a vehicle not designed for such a large party.

Yuji and Nobara exchanged animated grins, while Megumi and Maki bore stoic expressions, begrudgingly participating in the party for the sake of their friends. Even the usually silent Toge tagged along, awestruck by the size of the home, offering his quiet observations. Amidst the excitement, nerves coiled in your stomach as you contemplated the awaiting meeting with the entire band.

"Of course, he has a mansion. Tsk, what a showoff," Nobara's arms crossed in envy as she muttered.

The distant hum of laughter and chatter from within the mansion hinted at the number of people present, making it seem as though the entire city had come by for the celebration.

Yuji led the way towards the entrance, beckoning everyone to follow. "Let's go inside."

Sighing, you followed, the bass of the lively music becoming more pronounced as you approached. Walking through the entrance, the interior revealed itself to be even more enchanting than the exterior. The mansion seemed to expand into almost a ballroom, bathed in vibrant lights with a bustling dancefloor at its heart.

Yuji, always the gentleman, helped you out of your coat as you stood in awe of the spectacle before you, recalling Megumi's earlier comments about Gojo's extravagant parties.

"I guess you were right," you shouted to him. Your eyes scanned the crowd, spotting some familiar faces from your university.

Megumi sighed, "When am I not."

Rolling your eyes at his confident retort, you ventured further inside, navigating through the crowd to the drink areas. The energy in the air was electrifying, and it took a moment for your group to weave through the sea of people, exchanging greetings along the way.

Yuji's infectious enthusiasm manifested as he greeted almost anyone with high-fives and wide smiles, embodying the spirit of the lively party.

Mister Popular, you mused, observing his interactions with the crowd. But that was his personality – always open and kind to those who reciprocated.

Gripping Yuji's jacket to avoid losing him in the crowd, you saw Nobara, with her trademark flair, dancing into the crowd, effortlessly pulling others into the circle. Maki glanced to the side to see her sister and her friends at a table, informing you of where she was heading with Toge behind.

Thus, you found yourself standing with Yuji and Megumi, until your best friend suddenly slipped through your fingers as the crowd jostled, leaving you struggling to maintain your balance before someone's arms intervened.

"You good?" Megumi asked, steadying you as you balanced on your heels. Nodding, you scanned the room for Yuji, only to find him vanishing into the mist of people, leaving you and Megumi awkwardly standing in one of the corners of the room.

"So much for staying by my side." You grumbled with crossed arms. Yuji's earlier reassurance about being with you the entire night seemed to have vanished two minutes after arrival.

Leaning against Megumi's side, you both observed the crowd. He pulled out his phone to pass the time, and you scanned for more familiar faces that you knew. You noted how Nobara weaved through the crowd, exuding confidence and chatting with people effortlessly – a trait you wished you possessed.

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