chapter fourteen

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Seokjin had enjoyed late night drives into town.

It had soothed him in a sense, feeling the motion of the wind blowing into his face and lifting strands of hair off his forehead. He was at bliss when on the road.

Though that day had been one of those days that he was feeling an immense amount of stress, the call from his mother not even a month ago had troubled him and he was beginning to believe that it was causing him to spiral.

He wasn't the type to really hookup, he usually preferred to stay sober to make sure all of his friends weren't doing anything too crazy. However that night, he for once didn't want to be sober. No

So instead of watching out for his friends, he was sat on a couch making out with a guy who just so happened to be apart of the drama club. Was Seokjin ashamed? Absolutely.

Not only was he deeply regretting what went down with that guy, but he also regretted not being there to break up the altercation between Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung.

He sighed, running a hand through his black hair. He continued driving down the road, now hitting downtown Seoul. It was expected to see people walking on the streets after leaving the club and half of them being extremely intoxicated.

Eventually, his eyes stumbled upon something that seemed a bit off. Of course people were drunk and probably making out with either their boyfriends/girlfriends or people they've never met before, that was typical in Seoul this late at night. Though he stared hard at the two men who had been passionately smashing their lips against one another.

Thankfully, he had been at a red light and once it had turned green, he quickly did a U-turn to make his way towards the couple. It was definitely creepy, but one of the guys looked awfully familiar.

He drove slowly pass them and slammed the brakes once the two of them pulled away from each other, revealing their faces. His eyes practically popped out of their sockets when realizing who he had seen.


Jimin raised a brow at the black Hyundai slowly driving by them, he wasn't keen on being watched so he pulled away from the old man who clearly had been hungry for more.

But once he heard that known voice call his name, all blood had drained from his face. This was definitely not good.

Jimin quickly turned back around and let his eyes fall to the ground as he prayed for the elder to go away. He couldn't let anyone know about what he had been doing, no matter how much he wanted to vent about his problems to others.

Seokjin had no words; watching Jimin, who had clearly tried to hide himself was kissing someone who was much older, and just by the looks of didn't seem to be something exclusive.

"Jimin?" Seokjin called out again, his tone sounding more stern the second time. "Turn around."

Jimin cleared his voice before lifting his head up confidently. He kept his body turned away from the elder before answering. "Hey hyung, what's up?"

"What is going on here?" He asked but all he received was an unwelcoming silence from the younger. At that moment, Seokjin knew something wasn't right which prompted him to get out of the vehicle.

Once Jimin heard the sounds of the car door opening, he then turned around swiftly to be met with the elder in front of him. He had look down at him, eyes holding concern and a bit of frustration.

"It's okay-"

"Who is that?" Seokjin cut him off, now looking at the older man. He tried to remain calm at least on the outside but really, he was livid inside. This man could've been taking advantage of Jimin, possibly harassing him.

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