Chapter 17 - Finale

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Wednesday, February 28th, 20??

Third Person POV

A cliche fireworks show erupted in the background. The density of the fog contained a variety of colors from them.

Blue, Red, Pink, Yellow, and none other than Green.

When the fireworks show temporarily ended, Sienna began to lightly run toward the person sitting on the bench.

The person on the bench just stood there, as if he was waiting for something, or rather someone. He had a very faint smile on his face.

He stood up from his seat on the bench, and was greeted from none other than the person he wanted to be with.

"Green..!" Sienna cried while running, eventually crashing into his arms and embracing him.

"Sienna.." Green said faintly, wrapping his arms around the beautiful blonde.

They both left each other's possession.

"Why? I just don't understand why you did all of that to me. You could've.." Sienna started to tear up a little bit, "you could've at least..responded to my texts."

Green looked at his phone and into his messages app. Right there it was, the 5 unread messages from Sienna.

"I.." Was all he could muster at the moment.

"I'm so sorry, Sienna." He said. She could tell he said the 4 most genuine words he had ever said in his life to somebody.

"I just..don't understand why.." The blonde told him.

"I just didn't want you..especially to get hurt. I know they would come after me, but I didn't want them to hurt you." Green told her.

He continued, "as unbelievable as it is, especially right now, you were..all I could think about."

She stayed staring at him, "You didn't have to do all of that." She said as tears began to fall from her eyes.

As they just stared at each other, an ocean-blue mixing with an auburn brown. A glisten and shine of hope fell down from his eye. Sienna wiped it off of his cheek with her sleeve. Her eyes contained tears and glimmers of reacceptance and happiness.

"You're crying..that's not very you." She said to him as she gave a faint laugh.

Green only stared at her, until eventually they both embraced each other again, and they stayed like that for about a minute. The night's void created a spotlight of fog for the two of them. It was them against the world.

The blinding lights and colors of the firework show continued, this time as if it signaled the restoration of two lovers.

..future lovers.

Not one of them having a care for anyone else, just being in each other's arms meant the world to the both of them.

They both let go as Green faintly smiled, "H-How..have you been?"

"Not great." She told him, "a lot just happened."

He looked at her in a concerning manner. "What happened?" He asked her. It felt reassuring to Sienna knowing that the person that just dropped her two days ago still deeply cared.

Disregarding previous events, Sienna looked at him and smiled, "can we go back to your place and talk about it? I think it would be better over there."

Green looked at her and smiled, nodding at her request.

She smiled back at him. "I've missed you, Green." They hugged each other one more time before agreeing to walk back.

Green POV

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