Chapter 2

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Monday, week 3, and I am already stressing out of my mind. So far I have failed to complete 3 different homework assignments, forgot to take my English notes on Friday, and got only a 62% on the first Calculus quiz.

English sucks. Not only is it my worst class, but Mr. Steele (aka Mr. Grumpy) literally hates my guts. It's only a tiny bit my fault, since I do tend to act a little mean around him too. But only because he's mean first!

When I came to this school, I was hesitant. Luckily, after meeting Ally, I was less scared. She's a really nice girl. And Greyson is amazing too!

However, Mr. Grumpy is really ruining this for me. He's way too harsh! He expects me to learn everything automatically, and when I ask for help, he sighs and acts like it's such a HUGE hassle.

Like, if you don't want to help kids, then DON'T be a teacher! He really gets on my nerves. Luckily I only have first period with him. I don't think I could handle seeing him more often.

After I wake up, get dressed, and brush my hair, I go downstairs and grab a blueberry muffin for breakfast. I decide to just get coffee at the school cafe, so I get in my car and drive there.

I park my car, walk into school, and order my coffee. While waiting, I feel someone creep up behind me and give me a bone-crushing hug.

"HEY! WHAT THE HE-" I jerk out of their grip and spin around, only to see that it's just Grey.

"Haha, sorry Elaine!" I smack him on the arm, not hard enough to leave a mark.

"That's for scaring me! Why the heck did you do that?" I question, jokingly mad.

"I thought it'd be funny. And I was right, it totally was!" He says, grabbing my coffee and his that he ordered.

He walks me to English class right before the bell rings. Grey hands me my coffee and I head to my seat next to Ally's, in front of Mr. Grumpy's desk. Surprisingly, Ally isn't here yet. I sit down and get out my notebook, ready to take notes today.

Mr. Grumpy wasn't joking about my daily note taking; he's seriously grading it like an assignment. It's annoying, but it is good motivation to take my notes. And I'm slowly slipping into the habit, even though it's not even been three full weeks yet.

Ally finally shows up, looking oddly out of breath. "OH my god. Elaine. I was seriously almost late to school today! I woke up like 45 minutes later than I usually do!" She gives a breathless laugh and takes her seat just as the bell actually rings.

Right on cue, Mr. Grumpy walks in the door. He slams his briefcase on his desk and looks right at me, once again frowning. I don't think I've ever seen this man make a different facial expression. Why would you move someone you hate directly into your line of sight? He's delusional, I swear.

He speaks curtly, handing out papers and explaining today's assignment. He walks back up to the board and takes about 20 minutes to go through the details, then leaves us to it.

I guess today I won't need to take notes, at least. I put my notebook away and begin working on my assignment, quickly filling out the correct answers.

I come to the essay portion, where we are supposed to write a few paragraphs using the writing techniques we just learned.

Normally, writing comes pretty easy to me. I love art and reading, and I consider myself a pretty creative person. However, today I just can't think of anything. It's not that I don't know how to complete the assignment, I just have zero inspiration.

I glance around the room, hoping to get some inspiration, and accidentally lock eyes with Mr. Steele. He frowns at me, and gestures to my paper. I shrug, pick up my pencil, and just stare down.

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