Chapter 4

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Mr. Steele just will not shut up. He's been going on and on for about 25 minutes now, and I'm just so bored. He seems to be somewhat enjoying himself, however, so I don't interrupt.

He starts to deviate from the main topic, yet again, and I can feel my eyes growing heavier. The heating pad is still on my stomach, and the warmth is making me sleepy.

"Miss Mills, are you paying attention?" He asks, looking over at me. There he goes again, calling me by my last name. I hate it, it reminds me of my dad.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I am. Keep going." I answer, doing my best to actually stay focused. It doesn't work too well.

I feel myself starting to drift off, but I try to keep myself alert. I'm definitely failing, however, as I lean back and close my eyes. I sigh, and stop trying to stay awake. The effect is almost immediate, and I feel myself slipping off into dreamland.

"Miss Mills? Are you okay?" Mr. Steele asks faintly.

"Don't... call me that..." I hear myself mutter, before I slip into blissful sleep.

2 hours. That's how long I slept for. I know because as my eyes flutter open, the first thing I see is a clock, telling me it's now around noon. I attempt to take in my surroundings. I see books, a desk, a computer- oh my god, I see Mr. Steele.

My head is resting on my arms, and my chair is right next to his still. I'm taking up half of his desk, and he's typing at his computer on the other half. My assignment lays forgotten in front of us.

My eyes are drawn immediately to his face, watching his expression as he works. He seems serious, yet relaxed. Almost like earlier, in the nurses office.

After another moment or two of me staring, he finally looks over to me. I see a look of surprise quickly cross his face, before being masked. He pauses whatever he's doing on his computer and turns to me, as I sit up straight. I open my mouth to say something but he speaks first.

"How are you doing?" This catches me off guard, since I was expecting to be lectured about sleeping or something.

"I uh, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." He just nods, and we sit in silence for another few seconds before I say something else.

"I'm really sorry for falling asleep... on your desk. In the middle of you telling me something." I fidget with my hands and look down at my lap, where the heating pad still rests. It's out of charge now.

Mr. Steele clears his throat and responds, "Honestly, it's okay. You obviously needed some rest."

"Well, that was very nice of you. I'm sorry for invading your space for so long. I'll get going now." I say, as I stand up and gather my things. I reach for my paper at the same time as he does, and our fingers accidentally brush.

I jerk my hand back at the small jolt of electricity between us. A blush creeps onto my face out of embarrassment, as Mr. Steele hands me the paper with a confused look.

I thank him, and head to the door, grabbing my bag on the way. I look back one last time, and I see him frowning. He must have been holding back a lecture on sleeping at school, since I'm sick, I think to myself.


Back at the nurses office, I give the nurse his heat pad back, and thank him for letting me borrow it. He nods in reply, and waves me off. I take this as my cue to go to lunch, where everyone else is.

I walk into the lunch room and my eyes immediately find Grey and Ally, sitting with a few other people. I recognize them as football players, from Greyson's team.

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