Chapter 5

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It's Friday morning, a few days after the photo incident. My dad hasn't spoken to me since that evening, and he's barely home. This is good, since Ally keeps wanting to hang out.

After me and her patched things up on Wednesday, everything went back to normal, thank god. Same with me and Mr. Grumpy. Apparently, our bonding that day meant absolutely nothing, and he's back to being the frowning jerk he normally is.

I walk into his class, sitting in the front like usual, except he's not at his desk. Maybe he's not here today? Maybe I can skip my detention!

"Good morning, class." Oh shit, there he is. Oh no, he's hot today! His hair isn't it's usual slicked back style. It's messy, and looks slightly damp, like he just got out of the shower.

"I apologize for running late," he continues, "I had a busy morning." Various murmers of 'it's okay' come from around the room in response.

He gives everyone a moment to get their notebooks out, and starts lecturing. Today's topic is one that I'm actually well versed on, so I only pay half attention and instead doodle on my page. I still make sure to jot down some notes so that I don't get a fail grade, but for the most part I'm not too invested.

"Miss Mills!" Oh yeah, did I mention he's back on that again? "How are your notes coming along? Let me see." I sigh, handing him my notebook.

"So, what I'm seeing here, is a page full of drawings, and one page with 3 sentences on it." Mr. Grumpy rips out my doodle page and hands back my notebook with a frown.

"Please pay more attention. You already have a detention today, I don't want to have to give you Saturday school as well." I sigh and nod in response, and he goes back to teaching. I make sure to properly take notes this time, but I'm still only half listening.

After only about 20 minutes, he stops teaching, and hands out today's test. I sigh inwardly, and get to work. It turns out to not be extremely difficult, so I'm less stressed.

Class finally ends, and I jump out of my seat when the bell rings. On my way out the door, my name is called, and I turn around.

"Miss Mills, a moment, please?"

"Yes, Mr. Steele?"

"Don't forget, 3 pm, my classroom. Don't be late."

"Yes, of course sir." I leave the room and try to catch up with Grey on his way to our next class, Calculus.

"What did Mr. Steele want, Elaine?" He asks me, slowing down so I can catch up.

"Oh, just to remind me about my detention this afternoon." I pause for a moment, "...What do you think he'll make me do?"

"Actually, I've never been given detention, so I don't know..." Grey responds, sounding very proud of himself.

"Greyson! I didn't know you're a goody two-shoes!" I playfully smack him on the arm, and he laughs.

"So are you, Elaine! The only reason you have detention is because Mr. Steele is lowkey out for you!" We both laugh as we reach calculus, and take our seats in the back.

Calc goes fine, but biology presents a problem. Mr. Evans, my bio teacher, asked me to stay behind as I was leaving for lunch. As I approach his desk where he's standing, he smiles, making me feel more at ease.

"Elaine, you're a great student." I smile, but it falters. "But... you're falling behind. You have a D, which I'm sure you're aware of..." I nod, frowning slightly.

"Please, you need to get your grade up. Your senior year is important, you need to try your best." He places his hand on my shoulder, and keeps talking.

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