Part III: Boardwalks and beaches

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The next morning I awoke to a silent house. The sun was just creeping through my blinds. My room was small and rectangle, with a twin bed in corner, a radio on the night stand, and posters littering the walls. It was mid afternoon and my mother was at work. I slipped on my shoes and headed out. I headed down towards the beach fiddling with the change in my pocket. We lived a good 6 blocks from the ocean in a seedier part of town. I always liked going to the beach, but I typically went alone. Carl was never one for the beach. Didn't like tracking back sand and being stuck with it. But I figure life's full of inconveniences' sand in your jeans is a pretty good one. Once I arrived I was sweating and feeling the sun rays beat into my skin. The beach was littered with people of all ages. Up at the front of the beach was a place that sold popsicles and snow cones. I slipped some spare change into the soda machine and grabbed my coke from the slot in the bottom. I sat down on the beach just before the ocean, but far enough away to were the waves would never touch me. The shadow from some other persons umbrella encompassed me. I drank my coke and thought. There was bustle all around me kids yelling and waves crashing. A fight was even breaking out back towards the road. I came here to think, the ocean cleared my head. I felt like shit from the night before. I was wearing dark shades to shield my eyes. These were the kind of moments that froze time. They gave you an out of body experience. You can remove yourself and observe. Moments like this, I could live in forever if the world would let me. I had an odd feeling in my gut. You should always listen to your gut.

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