| valentine day special | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓

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a/n - so this was js an idea that i scrapped cs i was a wanka 2 yrs ago making TP without a plan of some sort or proper storyline and this idea was js a mish to write out

and also cs i couldn't be bothered to fit this into the TP storyline so #sorryirobbedyou? #butimgivingit2youguysnowsodoesitreallycountasrobbinginthe1stplace?

also big surprise but its edited! (jk i gave up on editing)

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Aurora, who had already been grading assignments for days before, sat at her desk with yet more stacks of papers to grade and a red pen in hand. The rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to match the steady progress of Aurora's pen, creating an atmosphere that hung heavy with the silence that also accompanied them.

The 'them' in this case was Valerie who, relegated to a desk near the front of the room, found herself immersed in a book she'd been assigned to read during her afternoon detention.

Despite her efforts to resist, Aurora found herself stealing glances at the girl more frequently than she intended to, each time drawn to a different feature of her presence. Initially, it was the girl's eyes that held her attention — how they'd narrowed in confusion or softened in appreciation as she read. Then, Aurora found herself entranced by the subtle movements of Valerie's lips, the way they formed words or pursed in concentration, and even the slight protrusion of her tongue when deeply focused didn't escape Aurora's gaze.

With this, Aurora took a final glance before Valerie unexpectedly closed the book with a sigh, startling Aurora as she did. Caught off guard, Aurora quickly averted her gaze back to the assessments on her desk, resuming her work with practiced ease, her pen gliding across the paper as if uninterrupted throughout the 45 minutes.

Valerie briefly looked over at Aurora who as she'd expected, was still engrossed with those assignments she had been marking for nearly the entire hour now. 

Now at the hands of her boredom, her eyes shifted over the contours of Aurora's stern expression, noting how her upright and poised posture and that tension in her jaw bespoke that authoritative presence the brunette seemed to like so much. Her eyes, now a rich shade of verdant green due to the light exposure of the classroom, took on a focused intensity, its colour seeming to restrict Valerie's skill to see the depths of her thoughts. Her eyes held such a quiet power of Valerie — a notion that only added to the woman's allure and even weakened Valerie's ability to think straight.

Yet, behind Aurora's guarded expression, there was a warmth that attracted Valerie to her; like a moth to a flame if she were to describe the feeling. A sort of warmth that was able to offer solace to the girl, even as far as bond that transcended the limits of what words could describe. Under her gaze, she felt safe; at home almost.

And perhaps these thoughts was the literature she'd been reading talking, but Valerie really couldn't get it out her head. It sounded ridiculous the more Valerie tried to make sense of it, but the more she stayed silent in this room, the more she felt she'd go insane from the silence.

"Staring at me won't help you finish that book, Ms Walker," Aurora spoke, her voice cutting through the tense silence, and her tone firm and unwavering. Valerie had been so accustomed to this side of Aurora that it didn't catch her off guard anymore. "I encourage you to open that book back up and continue or I'll give you the pleasure in reading it aloud to me during your lunch tomorrow if not."

Her brow furrowed at this, but a small smile crept in the corner of her lips as her eyes centred on Aurora's lips as she spoke. 

"How much longer do I have left?" Valerie questioned as she shifted in her spot, allowing her to prop her elbow on the desk and lean on it. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓 | 𝐖𝐋𝐖 |Where stories live. Discover now