01 | and so the story continues

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/nɒˈstaldʒə/ noun

1. a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past.

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After months of dreary weather, the haze of the winter sky had finally yielded to the afternoon sun of spring, and after seven long, dreadful years, time had dragged Valerie back to the city where everything began; the very streets in which she could blindly recall without a second moment to spare.

On the matter of, time had been everything but cruel to the girl. It had seemed fate held her dearly, almost acting as a mother who watched her daughter take her first steps; her first words; and even her first moments without love.

As the months bled into years, Valerie never lost her charisma. And much like fate, time didn't let her go either. Barely anything physical changed about the girl. She still had her charm and beauty, but on the contrary, she lost the essence of her frivolity as she quickly adjusted to the life of an adult in a world bound to break those with frail, naïve hearts as she did before.

However the true development Valerie noticed about herself over the years was that she was no longer the young, naïve girl she once was. Now, she was much more than that, for, in today's world, she was finally the woman she believed she would turn out as.

In perspective, it took Valerie a few years to uphold the title of CEO of an emerging fashion line, but in the end, she got what she wished for.

Which now leads to today's story to tell.

"Ms Walker?"

Earthy hues flickered over to one of the businessmen who sat at the extended table. Reading over the rectangular prism, she read over the man's name etched onto the metal material.

Grant Hughes... Vaguely, the woman recalled him being involved with the board members she answered to. He was a fairly reasonable person, and she held no grudge against him. In fact, she rarely disagreed with his methods and opinions.

Now as for the other board members, it wasn't the same case. Most of them were bearing their late-fifties; at most early sixties. Which meant they held no sympathy for the youth or industry other than financial boosts.

Other than Grant, Valerie only ever agreed with someone else, and it was the chairman; the boss that she, along with the other board answered to. An important person that offered this job to her in the first place.

The very person she was grateful to for taking such a risk that no one else was willing to take.

"Yes, Mr Hughes?" As if she were paying attention in the first place, Valerie's eyes perked, seeming to fake an engaging look for the other board members to believe.

Raising his brow, Grant fought back a petrified smile as he realised all eyes were on him and Valerie, who he was purely confident that she was once again, for perhaps the fifth time in the hour, had been daydreaming God knows what.

"The table wants to hear your input on the issue."

With a transient stare, the brunette did her best not to come off as confused as she honestly was. "The issue being?"

"The recent scandal with one of the senior Haute Couture designers," Grant reminded, sure to point to the projected images on the white wall for further, and much needed, help. "What's your ideal method in dealing with this issue?"

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