The attempt - Newt

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Right so this is going to be a sad one. like a Romeo and Juliet theme. Just be aware of the themes that would come with it as you could probably imagine.

A scream sounded through the Glade. A horrible ear piercing scream.

Can't I get one good night of sleep?

I rushed out of my tent to see what the hell all the screaming was about. I started running as fast as I could with my limp. Everyone seemed to be crowed around the entrance of the maze.

What the hell happened when I was asleep? And why do I always miss out?  

I made it to the entrance of the maze in record time. But now I wished i had stayed in my hut. 

Newt was on the floor unconscious not moving a soul. He couldn't be....I can't bring myself to say  the word I couldn't believe it I just couldn't. I sunk to my knees and sobbed. I don't know how long I was stuck there for but it must of been a while. Thomas came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to look up at him he had bad tear streaks down his face. 

He had been crying.

I then realized that Newt meant a lot to more than just one person. Hell he must of helped everyone in the glade twice by now. Thomas kneels down and puts both his hands on my shoulders. He then turned his head up to meet mine. His eyes said sorry. He then pulled me into a hug while the tears flooded onto his fabric shirt. He then pulled away spoke to me softly.           
"Hey be brave. the other Gladers can't bare to see you like this your like a mother to them. The med-jacks have taken newt to be inspected. I only think it is a broken leg but I'm not sure. Do you wanna go and see him?" I slowly nod my head the tears still flowing.

I wonder what would happen when I saw him there broken on that bed not being able to move. I slowly stood up compilating if to back out and go back to my hut. Thomas grabs my hand takes me to the med-jacks tent. It wasn't romantic, it was more...comforting. We slowly walk to the tent not wanting to go to fast as we were both still on edge.

I looked onto the bed and saw his crumpled body and I broke into sobs. Thomas put his hands around my shoulders, comforting me. I could feel his wet tears drop on my shoulder.  I walked out of the med tent ripping away from Thomas. He didn't run after me understanding I needed space. I didn't know where to go so i wandered for a bit, a couple Gladers gave me sympathetic smiles. Before I knew it, I was at the door of newts hut. I didn't expect to come here but I was here now so I might as well go in. I turned the wooden handle and stepped inside. Suddenly, I was overcame with the smell of him and being here. my eyes began to water. I walked over to his bed noticing his hoodie, his creamy-beige hoodie. I took it and put it over my head then let it rest on my small frame. I put my head onto Newt's pillow and fell asleep feeling a little more comforted then before. 

Thomas POV 

I stayed there for three hours. I didn't leave his side at all I wanted to be here for when he woke up. Clint and Jeff said that it would be very unlikely that he would wake from a fall like that but they weren't sure as they said and I quote, "We got this job the same way you got yours". At some point Minho joined me he was so quiet I didn't hear him. we've just been sat here for ages in silence until someone shouts to get our attention. It was a terrifying scream. We ran out as fast as we could go our runner instincts kicking in. I see a person lying on the floor her blonde hair lying across her face. Her chest not moving.  I slowly walkover to the person guilt stabbing at my insides already knowing who it is. There is only one girl in the glade. 

"HAS ANYONE SEEN CLINT OR JEFF?" I shout into the crowd which was a really stupid idea because i could have just looked behind me and seen Jeff running out of the med hut.                       "OUT OF THE WAY! OUT OF THE WAY" Jeff shouts repetitively. He comes running and then sits next to her listening to her chest. He then slowly checks her pulse the colour now drained from his face. He slowly looks up at us and slowly shakes his head. I start to break down. The tears now flowing uncontrollably. My whole body starts shaking and everything goes black.

A/N: OMG guys i am so sorry for not updating I haven't found time to do anything other than go to school and sleep. I'm going to try and write (even if it is just a little bit) every Thursday. Hope you all are doing well. I've got my last day of school next Wednesday. Yay! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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